Malaysia’s high court rules that Christians can use the word ‘Allah’ in religious publications


KUALA LUMPUR: In a landmark ruling, Malaysia’s high court said on Wednesday (March 10) that Christians can use the word “Allah” in religious publications for educational purposes.

Three other words: Baitullah (the Arabic word for God’s house), Kaabah (the building in the center of the Great Mosque in Mecca, which is the prayer address for Muslims around the world) and solat (pray) it can also be used in religious publications, according to Bernama.

In delivering her sentence, Appeals Court Judge Nor Bee Ariffin said that a 1986 Home Office directive to ban Christians from using the four words was “illegality” and “irrationality.”

“There is no doubt that (the material) was for his personal religious edification,” the judge said according to The Star, referring to an incident in 2008 when customs officers at Kuala Lumpur International Airport seized eight CDs of Ms. Jill. Ireland. Lawrence Bill, a Malay Christian from Sarawak.

The CDs were titled “Cara Hidup Dalam Kerajaan Allah (Way of life in the kingdom of God)”, “Hidup Benar Dalam Kerajaan Allah (Living righteously in the kingdom of God)” and “Ibadah Yang Benar Dalam Kerajaan Allah (True worship in The Kingdom of God) ”.

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The judge also noted that Christian communities in Sabah and Sarawak have been using “Allah” for generations in practicing their faith.

“You cannot ignore the fact that they have been using it for 400 years,” said Malaysia Insight.

Following the seizure, Ms Jill Ireland requested a judicial review against the Home Secretary and the Malaysian government. They also sought official recognition of their constitutional rights to practice their religion and non-discrimination under the relevant articles of the country’s Constitution.

The High Court ruled in 2014 that the Home Office erred in seizing the CDs and ordered that they be returned to Ms Jill Ireland.

In 2015, the Court of Appeal returned the two constitutional issues to the High Court for hearing. The case was heard by the Superior Court in 2017, but the announcement of the decision was postponed several times until Wednesday.

This was because the parties were said to be discussing potential resolutions out of court, as well as delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Senior Federal Councilor Shamsul Bolhassan, who acted for the interior ministry and the government, confirmed to Bernama that Christians can use the four words: Allah, Baitullah, Kaabah and solat for their religious publications.

“However, posts containing the four words must carry a disclaimer that they (are) intended for Christians only, as well as a cross symbol,” he said.
