Some places of worship could be reinforced in security, including the use of ‘discreet’ guards: Shanmugam


SINGAPORE: Security measures in some places of worship in Singapore may need to be stepped up depending on the level of threat they face, Law and Home Minister K Shanmugam said on Wednesday (March 10).

This comes after a 20-year-old man was arrested under the Internal Security Act (ISA) for planning to attack Jews in a synagogue on Waterloo Street.

Amirull Ali planned to use a knife to kill three Jewish men at the Maghain Aboth synagogue after their congregational prayers on Saturday.

It is the second case this year involving a self-radicalized young man targeting a place of worship. The Department of Homeland Security (ISD) announced in late January that a 16-year-old high school student had been arrested for planning to attack Muslims at two mosques in Woodlands.

LEE: 20-year-old arrested by the ISA after planning to attack Jews in a Waterloo Street synagogue

Shanmugam spoke at the Maghain Aboth synagogue on Wednesday, where Jewish and Muslim leaders gathered to reaffirm their solidarity and oppose the violence.

“I think the security measures (in places of worship) may have to be stepped up a bit to balance the risks that are increasing,” Shanmugam said.

“I cannot give you a definitive answer for the future. It has to depend on how the threats evolve. But my own feeling is that not all religious sites will have to be protected to the same level. Some face a higher level of threat and may need to take some additional measures, “he added.

When asked which religious sites may require more security, Shanmugam declined to elaborate.

“I don’t want to go into details, although we have some clear ideas, because that would be to establish tactically which places will be better protected and less protected,” he said.

“But the broad focus has to be that different religious sites carry different levels of threat. And based on that, there may have to be differences in the way they protect themselves. “

READ: There is no lack of SAF team in the NSF unit that planned the attack on the synagogue: MINDEF

Shanmugam said authorities will work with different places of worship to “alert them.”

“There may have to be more hardware, there may also have to be some guards, but perhaps in a more discreet way,” he added.

READ: Religious groups asked to be more vigilant after teens planned mosque attacks: Shanmugam

Mr. Shanmugam reiterated his stance of being cautious in stepping up security measures at places of worship, having said after the planned attacks on the Woodlands Mosque that such places should not be fortresses.

“How would you feel if the place looks like a fortress, a cantonment, with armed guards patrolling?” I ask.

“Is this how we want to convert our places of worship? I think there must be a certain level of security, depending on the perception of threat.

“There may have to be some guards inside, but I think we need to be very, very careful how we do it. Otherwise, places of worship won’t look or feel like places of worship. “


Singapore’s Chief Rabbi Mordechai Abergel said Maghain Aboth Synagogue is Singapore’s busiest synagogue, with up to 120 people attending Saturday prayers.

“I dare not imagine what would have happened if this (attack) had actually happened,” he said.

Rabbi Abergel said the synagogue has invested a “considerable amount of effort and resources” in security and personnel measures.

“Actually, we are now improving our security facilities, the guardhouse at the entrance of the synagogue, also to invest in gadgets, surveillance equipment, etc.,” he said.

“We should have this in place very soon. We are being very proactive and we are working very hard on this. “

At the same time, Rabbi Abergel said, it was important that there be “a message of calm for our community so that there are no immediate negative or negative reactions from our members.”

He said this incident would not affect the strong ties between the Jewish and Muslim community, noting that the leaders of both religious groups have regular gatherings, share bread and meet for social events.

“I think it is important again that this friendship flows and is nurtured at the grassroots level,” he added.

READ: Singapore who participated in Yemen’s civil war and became a foreign agent released from ISA detention


The executive director of the Singapore Islamic Religious Council (MUIS), Esa Masood, said that he has met with Jewish leaders to reaffirm their friendship and reiterated the position of the Muslim community for peace and the rejection of radicalism and violence.

Amirull became self-radicalized after watching videos about the Israel-Palestine conflict. He had also planned to travel to Gaza, Palestine to participate in the armed conflict there.

“We can do more to protect our community and our youth from such radical and extremist ideologies,” he said.

“Certainly, as human beings, we are affected by the injustices and conflicts that arise in various parts of the world.

“And while we seek to do our part, and to sympathize and empathize with these situations, we must seek peaceful and long-term (solutions), not be deceived by radical groups with their own political agendas.”

Mufti Dr. Nazirudin Mohd Nasir said that radicalization “dishonors and desecrates the very faith” that these individuals claim to defend.

“This goes against the very heart of our faith and the essence of our Quran, which speaks in no uncertain terms of the sanctity of places of worship such as the synagogue and the mosque,” he said.

“We will continue to do everything possible to protect our community and our youth from such radical and extremist ideas.”

Esa said MUIS has been stepping up its efforts to reach young people online, “to spread positive and correct teachings about Islam.”

“The other important effort is to really involve friends and parents, because of course young people have their social support networks, and we hope that parents and communities can work together to guide our young people … in terms of the problems that affect them, “he said.

Culture, Community and Youth Minister Edwin Tong said this “sinister incident” is another “sobering” reminder of how important it is to remain vigilant and not take Singapore’s social cohesion for granted.

“I urge everyone to be choosy when searching for materials online, accept religious guidance only from credible sources, and firmly reject content laced with hatred that causes enmity with others,” he wrote in a Facebook post Wednesday.

“We all have a role to play in ensuring that hate speech and deep mistrust do not take root in Singapore. Violence in any form will not be tolerated here.”


Shanmugam said this is the first time ISD has chosen a self-radicalized Singaporean who was driven primarily by the Israel-Palestine conflict.

“Let’s be clear: he is not detained because he is sympathetic to the Palestinian cause,” he said.

“He is detained because he wanted to kill innocent people in Singapore to show his support for the Palestinians. It’s perfectly okay to support the Palestinian cause, but it’s not okay to go around killing people. “

Shanmugam said authorities detect many cases of self-radicalization because family and friends alert them, and also because ISD has developed the ability to detect these signs.

However, he said, there is a small minority like Amirull who keep these trends to themselves, or others who radicalize in a matter of weeks without enough time for authorities to identify their movements.

“They see something in week one, in week three they feel angry and they want to go and do something,” he said, noting the possibility of knives and cars being used as weapons.

“So that’s the other challenge: the very rapid period of radicalization that we are seeing.”

Shanmugam said it is a concern that more young people are self-radicalizing, highlighting that younger people may not be able to see problems from a broader perspective.

“Your family is your main guide, your friends (too),” he said.

“But if you don’t talk about it with your family or friends, and you are living in your own world, then you have fewer life lessons to guide you.”

However, the minister cautioned against thinking that only young people self-radicalize.

“We have collected people between 30, 40 and 50 years old,” he added.
