PUB to study ways to protect Singapore’s northwest coast


SINGAPORE: The national water agency PUB will study ways to protect the northwest coast of Singapore against rising sea levels, after the completion of coastal protection studies for City-East Coast and Jurong Island, it said on Thursday (4 of March).

PUB also provided an update on these two studies, which were first announced last year. A coastal adaptation study completed in 2019 identified that the coasts of the city-east coast and Jurong Island are more vulnerable and critical based on factors such as the potential impact of a flood event, the criticality of assets such as airports and economic districts. and opportunities to fit in with upcoming developments.

“In April last year, PUB was appointed the national coastal protection agency to safeguard Singapore’s coastline against the threat of rising sea levels, while managing flood risks inland. We will implement coastal protection measures in phases, starting with the most vulnerable parts of our coasts ”, said the Minister of Sustainability and Environment Grace Fu in her speech during the debate of the supply committee (COS) of her ministry.

“This year, PUB and JTC will embark on site-specific studies off the City-East Coast and Jurong Island. Possible measures to be examined include levees, polders and nature-based solutions such as planting mangroves, ”he said.

“In developing these plans, we will seek innovation to complement our land use, marine space needs and the natural environment.”

PUB is expected to award the tender for the City-East Coast study in the coming months, with the study expected to be completed in four years, he said.

After City-East Coast and Jurong Island, the studies to protect the Northwest Coast, which comprises Sungei Kadut and Lim Chu Kang, are as follows.

These two areas include “key assets” such as the Kranji Reservoir and the Woodlands Checkpoint, while Sungei Kadut is also home to a number of industries such as lumber, construction and waste management, PUB said.

READ: 2019 NDR: It could cost S $ 100 billion or more to protect Singapore from rising sea levels, says Prime Minister Lee

Speaking earlier during the joint segment on sustainability in the COS discussion, Ms Fu noted that the goal is to complete the formulation of “adaptation pathways” along the coasts along the City-East Coast, Lim Chu Kang, Sungei Kadut and around Jurong Island by 2030.

“PUB, as the leading coastal protection agency, will work with other agencies to conduct site-specific studies and develop coastal adaptation pathways and protection measures that adapt to climate uncertainties,” he added.

A coastal protection department has also been created within PUB to address both coastal and inland flood risks comprehensively.

Last year, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat announced that a new Flood and Coastal Protection Fund would be established, with an initial injection of S $ 5 billion, as Singapore prepares to deal with the “significant” risk of the rise in the level. from sea.

The fund will be completed as long as Singapore’s fiscal situation allows, Heng said.

READ: 2020 Budget: New S $ 5 Billion Coastal and Flood Protection Fund to Address ‘Significant’ Risk of Sea Level Rise


In addition to conducting studies along the coasts, PUB will develop a coastal-inland flood model to better equip the organization for coastal protection planning and operations against climate change.

The model will comprise a “toolkit” incorporating advanced climate data and science to enable a “holistic and up-to-date” flood risk assessment by analyzing the combined effects of extreme sea levels and heavy flooding in Singapore caused by the rains.

It will be able to simulate flood events based on projected rainfall and coastal events, while evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed coastal infrastructure under various climate scenarios, PUB added.

“Climate change has led to heavier rains and more severe and frequent flooding… It is important to develop a comprehensive and coordinated understanding of Singapore’s level of flood resilience,” Ms Fu added.

“To comprehensively manage flood risks both inland and on the coast, PUB will develop this year the Model for flooding on the coast and inland. This computational model will simulate flood risk events and evaluate the effectiveness of coastal infrastructure designs under different climate scenarios. This will equip PUB with capacities to plan and implement adaptation measures ”.

A tender has been called for the development of the model, and is expected to be awarded in the first half of this year, PUB said.
