Biden on track to apply Trump-era rule targeting Chinese tech supply chain concerns


WASHINGTON: The Biden administration plans to allow a Trump-era rule targeting Chinese tech companies to take effect that is seen as posing a threat to the United States despite objections from American companies, it said on Friday (February 26) the United States Department of Commerce.

The department issued an interim final rule in the last days of the Trump administration aimed at addressing information and communications technology supply chain concerns and said it would take effect after a 60-day public comment period.

On Friday, a Commerce spokeswoman said in a statement that the department would continue to accept public comments on the rule until March 22, when it would take effect.

“Reliable information and communications technology and services are essential to our national and economic security and remain a priority for the Biden Harris administration,” the statement said.

The US Chamber of Commerce and groups representing major industries expressed concern in a letter to the Commerce Department in January that the interim rule gave it “almost unlimited authority to intervene in virtually any business-to-business transaction. from the US and its foreign counterparts involving technology, with little or no due process, accountability, transparency, or coordination with other government programs. “

The Business Roundtable, a group representing America’s top CEOs, previously said the proposal “is not viable for American companies in its current form.”

The Wall Street Journal first reported on the Biden administration’s plans.

Since the Commerce Department still accepts public comment, it can still revise the rule based on objections from businesses and others.
