Jolovan Wham fined for organizing a public meeting without permission, vandalism and refusing to sign a statement to the police


SINGAPORE: Activist Jolovan Wham Kwok Han was convicted on Monday (February 15) of organizing a public assembly without permission, vandalism and refusing to sign his statement to the police, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) said.

“All three charges were related to the illegal gathering that Wham organized to commemorate the 30th anniversary of ‘Operation Spectrum’,” police said.

Wham was sentenced to a global fine of S $ 8,000, or 32 days in prison for non-compliance. Two other crimes were taken into consideration for sentencing: organizing a public meeting without permission and refusing to sign his statement to the police.

In a press release, Wham said he would serve a prison sentence instead of paying the fines in connection with the public gathering and the crimes of vandalism.


Police launched investigations following a June 4, 2017 report in relation to Facebook posts by Wham about a “protest” held on an MRT train the day before.

Investigations revealed that Wham handed over books titled 1987: The Singapore Marxist Conspiracy 30 Years Later and blindfolded at least five other people.

Six of them joined him in the protest on the MRT train, where they were photographed reading the books, police said. Two other people took the photos and answered questions from members of the public.

Wham posted the photos on social media with a caption stating that the group had come together to mark the 30th anniversary of “Operation Spectrum,” police said.

Wham also posted two sheets of A4-size paper on a panel on the MRT train, a public property, with the following messages: “MARXIST CONSPIRACY? #Notdetentionwithout trial” and “JUSTICE FOR SURVIVORS OF THE SPECTRUM OF OPERATION #noattentionwithout trial.”

“For this act, he was charged with vandalism under Section 3 of the Vandalism Act,” police said.

Under the Public Order Law, a gathering or gathering of people for the purpose of commemorating an event is defined as an assembly, police said. Wham was not given permission to organize the assembly.

Another protest later that year was also taken into account during sentencing. On July 13, 2017, Wham organized a gathering in front of the Changi Prison Complex to commemorate an imminent judicial execution.

He also created an event on Facebook asking members of the public to participate in the “vigil” and stated on the social media platform that a permit had not been requested, police said.


In sentencing, District Judge Marvin Bay said Wham was a “repeat offender” under the Public Order Act and noted that there was a “degree of escalation from the previous offense.”

“The escalation is manifested in the prolonged nature of his infraction of about two hours, which involved the activities described in a series of MRT trains on different lines,” he said, adding that there was a “degree of planning and preparation” for the offenses.

The judge said that while there was no great display of “overt belligerence or antagonism” on the part of the protesters, who “apparently avoided the crowded trains”, their actions would have caused confusion and “possibly a degree of anxiety” among travelers.

“I am aware that the protesters removed their posters, caused no property damage and left no mark other than their transitory presence (on the train),” he said.

The judge acknowledged Wham’s guilty plea to the charges and said he “deserves a measure of consideration for not pursuing a full trial as was the case in his previous court proceedings.”


“Wham has repeatedly shown blatant disregard and contempt for the law,” police said.

“(He) could have legally exercised his right to political expression by holding a protest at Speakers’ Corner in Hong Lim Park or by posting his views online.

“The Speakers’ Corner is the right way for Singaporeans to express their opinions and hold public meetings without the need for a permit, subject to certain conditions being met.

“Given Singapore’s density of population, the approach of allowing public protests at Speakers’ Corner, or anywhere else with a permit, allows authorities to assess and manage public order risks.”

Police said the government takes a “zero tolerance” approach to illegal demonstrations and protests, as they can lead to public order incidents.

“The regulation of public protests allows the Government to defend public order to guarantee a peaceful and stable society,” they added.

“Vandalism of public property, no matter how minor, should not be tolerated. The police will enforce the law against those who decide to commit a crime.”
