KTV Outlets Can Now Choose To Exempt From Covid-19 Testing, Latest Singapore News


Selected karaoke establishments may be allowed to reopen without their customers having to perform a Covid-19 swab test as part of the pilot program, says the Home Office (MHA).

But these outlets must observe a different set of rules, such as a maximum group size of two and a ban on the consumption of liquor, an MHA spokesperson told The New Paper last Tuesday.

On November 6 last year, KTV’s outlets, closed since March 26, were informed that some could reopen under a three-month pilot program, but customers must test negative for rapid antigen testing or in the polymerase chain reaction test at least 24 hours before. the end of your KTV activity.


The spokesperson said that the MHA and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MTI) had engaged with the KTV sector and received comments seeking separate safe management measures to apply to different types of KTV operations.

The ministries then decided that alternative safe management measures could be imposed on a case-by-case basis to achieve the same public health outcomes.

The spokesperson said: “On a case-by-case basis, MTI may approve karaoke media apps to adopt an alternate arrangement for the pilot, where no pre-event testing will be required for clients, but group size will be limits to two people.

In addition, there should be no sale or consumption of liquor at all times within the premises ”.

KTV outlets applying to be part of the pilot program can choose this option or the default one that requires customers to be tested for Covid-19.

The default option allows outlets to accept customers in groups of up to eight and serve alcohol until 10:30 PM.

Changes will not be allowed once a media receives approval for their chosen option. The pilot is expected to start this month.

Welcoming the move, 26-year-old Miss Lim Ming Zhen said that she would go to a KTV only if she didn’t need to get a swab test.

The financial consultant, who used to hang out at KTV outlets once or twice a week, added: “I miss singing karaoke. It’s a good social activity, even if it’s just between two people.”

Caine Poon, managing partner at Cash Studio Family Karaoke, said his “obvious choice” for the pilot would be the no-test option, as the cost of the swab test would deter customers.

Expressing concern about the uncertain future of the KTV sector amid the pandemic, he said that he already had to close a point of sale after it suffered a severe blow in the last 10 months.

Poon also said it has yet to recoup the cost of renovating some of the other six outlets in the past two to three years. And three establishments that veered into food and beverage (F&B) have had little success.

The MHA spokesperson said that when evaluating the pilot plan, the government should be satisfied that safe management measures can adequately mitigate the risk of Covid-19 transmission and that the industry can implement these measures effectively and consistently sooner. consider resuming nightlife activities. .

Frank Per, owner of Sing My Song Family Karaoke, also tried to move his business to F&B, but found that changing industries overnight is not feasible.

He said: “Morale has been very low. F&B is competitive and with our limited experience the odds are against us.”

Per, who is also treasurer for the Singapore Entertainment Affiliation representing KTV operators, said the future would be bleak for most outlets that still pay rent and salaries if they can’t reopen soon.

He said: “While the pilot program is a small step in the right direction, we are not sure what the future holds.

“No one expected the shutdown to last that long, and it has left many of the karaoke operators concerned. If it continues like this, several more stores will close.”
