South Korea Sets Highest Daily Number of Coronavirus, Struggles to Contain Latest Rise, East Asia News & Top Stories


SEOUL (REUTERS) – South Korean Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun said on Friday (December 25) that 1,241 new coronavirus cases were reported the previous day, the highest daily count on record, with a large outbreak in a Seoul prison.

South Korea had early success in quickly controlling outbreaks with aggressive testing and contact tracing, but it has struggled to contain the recent surge in cases.

Tighter restrictions were taken this week to stop new cases, including a ban on social gatherings of more than five people, and ski resorts and tourist spots were closed in a bid to stop the spread over the Christmas and New Year holidays. .

“The daily record of confirmed cases was renewed yesterday at 1,241 cases,” Chung said at a coronavirus response meeting, adding that despite a large majority of the public heeding the government’s warning, many still disobey the rules. of social distancing.

The new reported cases include an outbreak in Seoul, Chung said, but did not specify the number of cases there.

Korea’s Disease Prevention and Control Agency later said that the national count of confirmed cases rose to 54,770 and there were 17 additional deaths, bringing the total to 773.

Testing has been intensified to track cases of unknown origin and infected people who show no symptoms.

Chung said that daily tests in Seoul and outlying regions have exceeded 110,000.
