A drug offender beat his wife in children’s school, threatened to throw their 9-year-old daughter from the 10th floor, Singapore News


A 43-year-old Singaporean man was sentenced to eight years, six months and three weeks in jail and six strokes of the cane on December 23 after pleading guilty to assaulting his estranged wife, as well as three other drug-related charges, the Reported Straits Times.

On July 1 of last year, he struck his wife on the head at his children’s elementary school after she mentioned an earlier incident in which she had threatened to throw her daughter from the 10th floor of an apartment block.

That day, the man went to his children’s elementary school to look for them, accompanied by two of his brothers.

At that time, he and his wife were already separated and in the process of divorce.

After his daughter told a school counselor that she didn’t want to see him, one of the school’s vice principals called his wife to inform her.

The woman asked the school to prevent the man from seeing her children, a nine-year-old girl and a 12-year-old boy, and went to school shortly to meet him at the principal’s office.

The two assistant principals from the school and the counselor were also present to facilitate the meeting.

Deputy Prosecutor Zhou Yihong told the court: “During the conversation, the victim mentioned that the defendants had not contributed anything for their children and mentioned a past incident in which the defendant wanted to throw his daughter from the 10th floor “.

“In response, the defendant stirred. He stood up, staggered toward the victim, and … struck the victim on the right side of the head,” Zhou continued.

The court also heard that the incident with his daughter occurred in June 2017.

The motive for his actions was not disclosed in court.

The counselor and the deputy directors had to intervene between the couple. The woman proceeded to call the police.

Subsequently, the woman sought medical assistance at Woodlands Polyclinic for injuries to her scalp.

For the crime of assault, the man could have been jailed for up to two years and fined up to $ 5,000.

However, nine other charges were also considered during the sentencing, mainly for drug-related offenses.

Details about the couple and the school cannot be released to protect the identities of the two children.

In a separate court hearing, the man admitted to using drugs, including methamphetamine, in April and June of this year.

The penalty for using controlled or specified drugs is up to 10 years in jail, a fine of up to $ 20,000, or both.

Repeated use of specific drugs like methamphetamine can result in three to six strokes of the baton and at least five to seven years in prison.

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