Water gushing off the roof of Jewel Changi Airport after pipeline leak, businesses affected for 30 minutes


Businesses in basement one at Jewel Changi Airport had a problem on Friday (December 18) when a water pipe leaked and water gushed from the ceiling, leaving the floor and surrounding areas damp.

Stomper A shared photos and videos of the incident after her mother, who works at Jewel, sent them to her.

In the video, water can be seen flowing into a restaurant called Jinjja Chicken as customers try to avoid stepping on puddles.

Yellow signs saying “wet floor caution” and barricades can be seen around the wet area as curious passersby stop to see what happened.

At the end of the video, cleaners are seen using mops and buckets to dry the floor. The pipe seems to have stopped leaking then.

“My mother was on her shift at Jewel on Friday morning when she noticed that the roof was leaking,” said A.

“The leak wasn’t that bad at first, but then something suddenly exploded and the water started to fall.

“I’m not sure why this happened, but my mother suspected it was due to the rain, as there was a huge downpour at the time.”

A sent another photo and added: “I think they are fixing the problem right now. I hope everyone is okay.”

In response to a Stomp inquiry, a Jewel Changi Airport spokesperson said: “There was a leak in the water pipe in Basement 1 of Jewel Changi Airport on Friday (December 18) around 11.15 am.”

The spokesperson added that the leak was addressed immediately.

“Affected tenants were disturbed for approximately 30 minutes before normal operations resumed. There was no other disruption in operations,” the spokesperson said.
