Mosquitoes captured by residents of Tampines may be Wolbachia-Aedes species released by the NEA to prevent dengue


A resident of Block 509 Tampines Central 1 shared her frustrations with Stomp on December 7 after noticing a large number of mosquitoes on her mother’s apartment since she moved in October.

By using electric fly swatters during hourly eliminations, Stomper Alone managed to catch and kill 323 mosquitoes in less than a month.

He even shared that he managed to catch a “record number of 103 mosquitoes” in the week of November 20.

After each capture, he would put the insect in a Ziploc bag and count the number of mosquitoes he had caught that week.

When netizens learned of the number of mosquitoes Jen had killed in less than a month, some were shocked while others were sympathetic to her situation.

One netizen even gave him two cents on how to prevent mosquitoes from entering through windows.

In response to a query from Stomp, a spokesperson for the National Environment Agency (NEA) said: “Block 509 Tampines Central 1 is located in the Tampines East Constituency. The release of male Wolbachia-Aedes mosquitoes in Tampines East Constituency began ago almost a year, in February 2020.

“There has been an overall reduction in the dengue mosquito population in the constituency since then, from an average of three to four female dengue mosquitoes to approximately one female dengue mosquito captured in every ten gravitraps per week, beginning in November. 2020 “.

The NEA added that specifically in the compound where Block 509 Tampines Central 1 is located, the Gravitrap surveillance system used to catch between four and five female dengue mosquitoes in every ten Gravitraps per week.

The number caught has halved to two to three female dengue mosquitoes for every ten gravitraps per week since the initial release in May 2020.

Unfortunately, according to the NEA, this is still at a level that is not low enough to prevent large outbreaks of dengue.

In November 2020, there was a small cluster of two dengue cases in the area.

“To reduce the risk of dengue in the area to a low level, we must continue to release male Wolbachia-Aedes mosquitoes in the area, to help us achieve a 90% suppression of the Aedes aegypti mosquito population, as experienced in other Wolbachia release areas project, “NEA said.

“We understand the discomfort experienced by some residents in the Wolbachia Project areas, when male mosquitoes choose to swarm around a certain area, as experienced by the information provider.”

NEA explained how the Wolbachia Project project team is adjusting the distribution of male mosquito releases to minimize these swarms.

NEA also said that residents of Block 509 Tampines Central 1 may notice more male mosquitoes on Monday and Friday mornings when releases take place in this area.

Despite that, the NEA wants to assure residents that released male mosquitoes do not bite or attract females. Only females bite, as they need blood proteins for the development of their eggs.

For more information on the Wolbachia Project, visit

Residents are also reminded to continue the Mozzie Wipeout and remove all sources of standing water in their homes.

“In response to comments about mosquito bites in the compound, our officers conducted two rounds of checks in the area on November 24 and December 8, and discovered two mosquito breeding habitats (gully trap and planter) “added the spokesman.

“The NEA would like to remind residents that vigilance and community action remain critical in our fight against dengue, as Aedes egypti mosquitoes thrive in urban settings and most mosquito breeding habitats still exist. found in homes.

“The NEA has also contacted the feedback provider and inspected the feedback provider’s home and informed them that they can spray insecticide to kill adult mosquitoes.

“NEA is also working with the comment provider to obtain mosquito samples to further investigate the matter. We will continue to work closely with the Tampines City Council on the comments about the tree in front of their home.”

In response to Stomp’s inquiries, a Tampines City Council spokesperson also said they are aware of the comments and share residents’ concerns regarding the increase in mosquito sightings on the property.

“To reduce the dengue mosquito population in Tampines, the city council is working together with NEA on the Wolbachia Project, where male Wolbachia-Aedes mosquitoes are released twice a week in the city of Tampines around residential blocks and along the common corridors, “the spokesman said.

“We would like to assure residents that the male Wolbachia-Aedes mosquitoes released do not bite or transmit disease.

“Rest assured, however, that the City considers this issue of utmost importance and that we will persist in our efforts to eradicate all mosquito breeding sites.”

The city council added that the following measures have been proactively implemented to address the dengue situation in Tampines.

They shared that they have intensified inspections throughout the city of Tampines, from checking drains to roofs to identify and remove any potential mosquito breeding habitats.

This includes the daily removal of discarded items from common areas and the removal of standing water. They have also stepped up the cleaning, venting, and flushing of all the drains where most of the breeding tends to occur.

“In response to feedback on mosquitoes swarming around the tree in front of the feedback provider unit, we have arranged for the tree to be pruned and will continue to work closely with NEA on distributing male mosquito releases,” spokesman said.

“As the fight against dengue is a collective effort between the city council and residents, we urge all residents to remain vigilant and practice the five-step Mozzie Wipeout regularly at home to protect their loved ones from dengue.”

Jen told Stomp that she saw the workers prune the tree in front of her mother’s floor on Monday (December 21) around 2 p.m.

“I am very happy that the tree is being pruned. I hope this helps with the mosquito problem,” she said.
