RSAF combines sensors, shooters and artificial intelligence in a ‘cutting edge’ system to better defend Singapore’s airspace


SINGAPORE: The term “artificial intelligence” can be puzzling, but on the screen before us, the picture is simple: a yellow diamond represents Singapore and inside are multiple green dots, Singapore’s air defense assets.

A yellow icon appears outside the diamond and it suddenly turns red. It’s headed for Singapore and the system has identified it as an enemy warplane.

Commanders of the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) select the red target and a small square automatically appears next to it, recommending that the fighter jet be better countered by the Aster 30, a remotely controlled anti-aircraft missile launcher. with a range of 70 km.

When commanders give the go-ahead to use that weapon, a blue line shoots out of one of the green icons, predicting the missile’s trajectory. This ensures that there are no friendly planes in the line of fire.

After the commanders launch the missile, the blue line becomes shorter and shorter, until the target disappears.

The enemy has been neutralized.

What reporters witnessed on Thursday (December 17) was an example of how the combat management system in RSAF’s Island Air Defense (IAD) system uses artificial intelligence to enable commanders to make faster and more effective decisions when defending. Singapore airspace.

The rally was held at Lim Chu Kang Camp 2.

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RSAF operators prepare the Aster 30, which is next to an RBS 70 system. (Photo: Jeremy Long)

The IAD system also combines this software with sensors and shooters from RSAF (a range of radars, anti-aircraft missiles and fighter jets) to allow RSAF to see more and better understand all that information in a single image.

Previously, individual weapon platforms used their own sensors, limiting what they could see. With the IAD system, platforms and radars can “talk” to each other, giving commanders a more complete but easy-to-understand picture of the situation.

The Defense Ministry (MINDEF) said in a press release Thursday that the IAD system also reduces the cognitive load on operators and prevents a single point of failure. This means that if a weapons platform is removed, the system can automatically recommend another platform to take over.

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The Commander of the Air Defense Group, Colonel Loh Woon Liang, addressed the media on December 17, 2020 (Photo: Jeremy Long).

“We are not relying on individual capabilities (but) on the force of multiple systems,” said Col. (COL) Loh Woon Liang, commander of the Air Defense Group.

“It allows us to improve the robustness of the network system rather than looking at multiple points in a single defense system. And for a country like Singapore, it’s really important to be able to do that. “

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Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen speaking to journalists on December 17, 2020 (Photo: Jeremy Long)

Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen reiterated Thursday that Singapore’s small size and highly dense population means it will “always be vulnerable” to air threats.

In 2016, six Indonesian militants conspired to fire a rocket at Marina Bay from Batam. In 2002, radicalized individuals planned to hijack a plane and crash it into Changi Airport.

“Those threats are evolving, whether it’s longer-range munitions … or non-traditional, from terrorist attacks, things that can be bought on the dark web,” said Dr. Ng after being briefed on the latest version of the IAD system. . that in August joined the Aster 30.

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RSAF’s Island Air Defense system comprises a combat management system and a range of sensors and shooters. (Infographic: MINDEF)

The IAD system, conceptualized in 2006, comprises a series of ground and air radars to detect targets at various ranges and altitudes, as well as different weapons platforms to shoot down missiles, drones and combat aircraft.

The system has been integrated with newer platforms and has been improved over the years, and Dr Ng said it will serve Singapore “for decades to come.”

READ: Singapore ‘fairly safe’ to detect and neutralize drones used in Saudi attacks: Ng Eng Hen

“Our current systems are state-of-the-art, at least against munitions that are on the market at subsonic or supersonic (capacities),” he added.

“If you talk about hypersonic missiles, very few armies have the capacity to respond to (that). But that’s maybe 20 or 30 years later. “


For example, the Aster 30 missile system is capable of facing multiple threats simultaneously, including fighter jets, helicopters, drones, and precision guided missiles.

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Dr. Ng was briefed on the Aster 30 by Air Defense and Operations Command Commander Brigadier General Kelvin Fan (left) and Air Force Chief Major General Kelvin Khong. (Photo: Jeremy Long)

The Surface-to-Air Python-5 and Derby-Air Defense (SPYDER) defense system is another system with anti-aircraft and anti-ammunition capabilities. Its infrared and laser-guided missiles have an effective interception range of 15 km.

The RBS 70 system is a portable air defense missile system with a range of up to 8 km. It can be deployed in assembled and disassembled configurations for greater operational flexibility, MINDEF said.


When it comes to sensors, the RSAF uses multi-mission radar with an effective detection range of up to 350 km and 100 km for aerial surveillance and hostile weapons tracing, respectively.

The FPS 117 radar is another high precision air defense radar with an effective detection range of up to 463 km.

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The multi-mission radar has an effective detection range of up to 350 km and 100 km for aerial surveillance and hostile weapons tracing, respectively. (Photo: Jeremy Long)

For low-level surveillance, the RSAF also has the System for Recognized Hybrid Air Interceptor Awareness (SHIKRA) mobile radar and Agile Multiple Beam (AMB) radar, with ranges of up to 100 km and 60 km respectively.

The latter detects low-flying and slower-moving targets, such as helicopters, MINDEF said.

Given Singapore’s low geographic characteristics, the RSAF also operates aerial radars such as the Aerostat and Gulfstream 550 – Airborne Early Warning (G550-AEW).

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The aerostat provides low-level radar coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (Photo: Jeremy Long)

The Aerostat is a tethered balloon system that operates 600 m in the sky to obtain a clear line of sight over Singapore’s airspace and marine space. It has an effective detection range of up to 200 km.

The G550-AEW has an advanced electronically scanned active matrix radar with an effective detection range of over 370 km. It provides a persistent all-weather capability to detect, identify and track aerial threats, MINDEF said.


The combat management system, considered the brain of the operation, was developed with the Defense Science and Technology Agency (DSTA), which has tested and validated its safety and operational capabilities.

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In a simulation, the system handled up to 16 targets, suggesting which one should be dealt with first depending on how quickly it could cross into Singaporean airspace.

“It is especially important in today’s context when threats strike you in a mess and you need decision support systems,” COL Loh said.

“It allows you to rank and prioritize what is the most dangerous threat you want to deal with and (then) deal with all of them.”

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The SPYDER missile system has an effective interception range of up to 15 km. (Photo: Jeremy Long)

DSTA engineer and senior program manager Teng Siang Loong said the concept of a networked system, with the combat management system in the middle, makes it more resilient.

“In the old standalone system, if any equipment becomes unavailable, that particular system will not be able to perform its mission effectively,” he said.

“With the combat network, we can allow multiple weapons and sensors to operate in an optimized pool of resources.

“In the event that one of the teams is not available, the next team may take responsibility.”

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Third Warrant Officer Thiyagaraj Subramaniam with the Aster 30 (Photo: Jeremy Long)

Third Warrant Officer Thiyagaraj Subramaniam, 30, an air defense systems specialist who operates the Aster 30, said the IAD system allows him to get the best out of his platform.

“It gives ground operators confidence that having all these systems and assets integrated means that the mission that I am a part of will definitely succeed,” he said.


But the RSAF is not resting on its laurels.

To fend off ever-evolving military technology like drone swarms, COL Loh said RSAF and DSTA are constantly watching for emerging threats and capabilities that exist.

“We continue to renew our capabilities and make improvements to deal with them,” he said.

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Dr. Ng and Defense Force Chief Lieutenant General Melvyn Ong at a ceremony marking the completion of the last phase of the Island’s Air Defense system. (Photo: Jeremy Long)

Dr Ng said that the current IAD system is “compliant” with Singapore’s needs and threat assessment, calling it a “significant improvement” over the years.

“I think Singaporeans can rest assured that we have this system,” he added.

“It took a continuous effort, integration for 15 years, and even when we have finished this phase, we will look towards the next phase of the IAD system (in the middle) of threats that are not only on the horizon, but that I am sure to be developed throughout. of the years “.
