Level N Results: 78% of Students Qualify for Sec 5, News and Highlights on Parenting and Education


SINGAPORE – Approximately four out of five students in the Normal (Academic) stream passed the cutoff for promotion to Secondary 5 in 2021, the best performance on N-level exams since 2009.

Results released on Thursday (December 17) by the Ministry of Education and the Singapore Examination and Assessment Board showed that 77.7 percent of normal (academic) students, who sat for examinations in 2020, did they did well enough to move to levels O next year.

It is the highest proportion since the promotion criteria were reviewed.

Approximately 7,240 of the 9,321 candidates for Sec 4 Normal (Academic) obtained a total score that did not exceed 19 points in English, mathematics and the three best subjects, and at least a 5th grade for all subjects used in the calculation of this score of five subjects. .

Before renewal in 2009, normal (academic) students had to earn a total of no more than 10 points for their top three subjects and at least a grade 5 or better in English to be promoted to Sec 5.

Students who took normal (technical) exams also outperformed their peers in previous years.

Of the 4,156 students who took the course, 98.5 percent passed the exams this year, the highest pass rate in the last decade.

Almost all students in the Normal (Academic) stream who took the exams this year passed, with figures showing that 99.7 percent overcome the hurdle, the highest proportion in six years.

The last time the same pass rate was achieved was in 2014.

Additionally, 43.2 percent of regular (academic) candidates also sat down for Level O subjects this year.

Your results will be released in January, and schools will consider the results of the school’s combined Level N and Level O preliminary exams when determining your eligibility for Secondary 5 or post-secondary pathways.

Sec 4 Normal (Academic) students who earned a total not to exceed 19 points in English, Mathematics, and the top three subjects may apply for the Direct Entry Program to the Polytechnic Program (DPP).

Under the program, students who complete their two-year Higher Nitec course at the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) and achieve the minimum grade point average (GPA) are guaranteed a place in a related polytechnic diploma course.

As in the last two years, around 1,200 places will be offered in the DPP at the three ITE universities. Applications open on December 17.

More information is available here.

Sec 4 Normal (Academic) students also have the option to apply for the Polytechnic Foundation Program (PFP), a one-year program to prepare students to enter polytechnic diploma courses.

These courses are open to students who scored a total not to exceed 12 points and meet the specific requirements of the subject for the chosen course.

The polytechnics will offer some 1,500 PFP places, the same as in the last two years. Applications open in January 2021, the day level O results are published.

In May 2019, the then Minister of Education Ong Ye Kung highlighted the encouraging performance of the students in the PFP.

Ong, now the transportation minister, said that more than 35 percent of the first cohort to graduate from PFP in 2017 had earned a 3.5 or higher grade point average.

By comparison, of the entire polytechnic cohort, only 25 percent typically achieve that result, he said.

Those looking for more information about the program can visit this website.

As for those with Normal (Technical) certificates, they can apply to ITE or transfer laterally to the Sec 4 Normal (Academic) course if they have obtained an A grade in English and mathematics, and at least a B grade in another subject.

Information on ITE courses is available here.
