Yao Wenlong’s Johor Baru Restaurant Targeted By Hark Loans Threatening To Set It On Fire, Entertainment News


Many people are struggling financially with the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic affecting businesses and livelihoods.

Then imagine that you are the target of loan sharks when you don’t even owe them money.

Malaysian-born Mediacorp actor Yao Wenlong and his restaurant Johor Baru Sun Gourmet Kitchen were targeted by a moneylender on Saturday (December 12), who splattered the restaurant’s exterior in red paint.

Also attached was a warning to return the money they are supposedly owed and a phone number.

Concerned for the well-being of their staff, Wenlong and his business partner Chen Zhixin called the number, which went unanswered.

Later that day, they received a phone message saying, “Actually, you don’t owe us money. We don’t have money for food, I hope you can help. If you don’t, we won’t stop here, and your store will be burned.”

On Sunday morning, Wenlong and Chen held a press conference at the restaurant where they informed the media of the incident and emphasized that none of them, including the employees, owe money.

The perpetrator also sent them a video on Sunday, threatening to set the place on fire if their requests were not met.

In an interview with the local newspaper Lianhe Wanbao, Wenlong said the matter was turned over to the police.


CCTV footage failed to capture the perpetrator’s face as he was wearing a mask, but only one person is believed to be involved.

Wenlong also expressed his frustrations to Lianhe Wanbao.

“My partner and I are very angry. We are already having a hard time keeping the restaurant afloat during the pandemic without laying off any employees. This is really too much.”

A security guard has been hired to guard the restaurant at night, and Chen will also move to the staff dormitory above the restaurant to keep a close watch.

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