Chef Jason Tan of Restaurant Euphoria: “I believe in turning the humblest ingredients into something extraordinary”


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Dr. Fauci just warned about entering these two dangerous zones

With 280,000 souls lost to the coronavirus and some 250,000 more expected, you may feel powerless to stop the spread. You are not. In fact, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, believes that we can all change those numbers by following a few fundamental health measures. “We don’t need to accept those very, very difficult numbers to accept if we do something about it,” he told Major Garrett on his The Takeout podcast. Read on to hear what you should never do to stay healthy and safe, and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss out on these sure signs that you’ve already had coronavirus. “Crowded bars and restaurants” should be avoided, says Dr. FauciDr. Fauci was asked about closures and closures, the kind California is doing. Fauci said mitigation measures like that can be unavoidable. “I think the answer, even though people don’t like it, the answer was going to be yes, because once you get to the point where you’re stretching the hospital system, you don’t want to be in the unthinkable situation of having to choose who goes to live and who is going to die ”, he said. definitely crowded bars, restaurants. There are places like that, where you have [an] indoor environment of people who generally do not wear masks. You don’t wear a mask when you drink a beer and you don’t wear a mask when you eat a plate of spaghetti. The fact is, when you’re in that situation, that’s where the spread happens. “Previously, Dr. Fauci has said that he wouldn’t go into a restaurant.” If we are in the hot zone as we are now, where there are so many infections around, I would feel quite uncomfortable even being in a restaurant. And particularly if it was at full capacity, “he said. Instead, order takeout.” I feel bad because restaurants are losing business, “Fauci told CNN.” And I feel like it’s almost an obligation of the neighbors to keep neighborhood restaurants afloat … even though I can cook at home, several nights a week I go out for takeout just to support those places. “RELATED: 7 Tips You Should Continue to Avoid COVID, Doctors Say Dr. Fauci Isn’t the Only One Warning Against Restaurants and Bars Last week, as a press conference, Dr. Henry Walke, MD, COVID Incident Manager, was asked- 19 at the CDC, on potential transmission indoors, especially in cold temperatures, and mentioned “dining in a restaurant.” “Outdoors is safer than indoors,” he said, echoing Dr. Fauci’s words. . “We are concerned about interior spaces, poorly ventilated interior spaces; restaurants are usually some of those spaces where transmission can occur. “Although he suggests avoiding” these crowded indoor spaces “altogether, if you choose to eat in a restaurant he suggests” try opening the windows “to provide ventilation and also to” dine out. “Meanwhile, CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta said last week that 80% of COVID transmissions occur in bars, restaurants, cafes, hotels, and homes RELATED: 7 Side Effects of Wearing a Face Mask Fauci Said that he believed bars and restaurants should get financial help Fauci and Garrett had talked about “vaccine distribution and stressed hospitals,” and Garrett asked. “Do you think there is anything that needs to be done before Congress adjourns? to inject more money into this situation and make sure that all the things that need to happen happen effectively and efficiently? “” I think it’s an absolute necessity because the system ema is stressed, “Fauci replied. “I mean, it’s easy for me to get up and say, what I have, and I say that with a degree of empathy and not just coldly, you know, some of the time you will have to, when you do things like avoid congregational settings. You’re really talking about closing bars and having restaurants closed or without their maximum capacity, that puts great economic pressure on the people who own those establishments, “he says. “So I strongly believe, and I speak like a layman on this, because that’s not my thing, but I see so clearly that if you are asking these establishments to close or reduce their capacity, you have to come and help them, or they will be financially destroyed. So we really need to help through this difficult time. And that’s what the new packages are all about. ” RELATED: Here’s the # 1 Way You’ll Get COVID, According to Doctors What You Can and Should Do to Stay Alive Follow Basic Principles and Help End This Rise No Matter Where You Live – Wear a face mask, social distancing, Avoid big crowds, don’t go in without shelter (especially crowded bars and restaurants), practice good hand hygiene and to protect your life and the lives of others, and don’t visit any of these 35 places where you are more likely to get COVID.
