Taiwanese man sells his PlayStation 5 after his wife found out it was not an air purifier, Digital News


Before we begin, let’s have a moment of silence for our “fallen” comrade.

November is an exciting month for console gamers around the world, and for good reason.

With the launch of Xbox Series X and the PlayStation 5 featuring a host of new games, everyone is eager to get in on the next-gen action for themselves, although it hasn’t turned out well for a poor guy in Taiwan. .

Well, to give a bit of context to what happened, this guy ended up as the living incarnation of the Korean Plash Speed ​​meme introduced in April of last year.

Basically, the joke plays on the stereotype that many women, or more specifically housewives, do not keep up with the latest gaming technology and are generally against having such devices in the home.

The video describes a theoretical scenario in which the game-loving husband orders a new PlayStation Pro console and tries to convince his wife that he has simply obtained a new router called “Plash Speed” (note the initials!).

Together with the help of the delivery man, he manages to carry out the ruse and cheats on his wife. The video gained a lot of traction on the internet when it was released, and many people (presumably husbands) saw the funny side of the video.

Unfortunately for our comrade in Taiwan, as reported by SGEverydayOnSales (thank you!), He tried to fool his wife in a similar way by telling her that the PS5 was an air purifier, and although the ruse initially worked, his wife smelled a rat and eventually found out it was a game console.


Needless to say, he received a reward from his wife that forced him to sell it. In fact, we only know as much as we know because the buyer decided to share this rather fitting recreation of the Plash Speed ​​meme online.

According to him (the buyer), he had asked the seller why he was selling the console at such a low price, prompting this immensely awkward (albeit hilarious) explanation.

As players, our hearts really go out to this poor guy, who will have to be content with watching people enjoy something they can never get.

He is literally in the position of The Red Skull in Avengers: Infinity War when Thanos searches for the Soul Stone. We feel you, friend!
