More Covid-19 Cases May Emerge From Seoul Garden Family Dinner, But One Major Group Is Unlikely: Experts, Singapore News And Better Stories


SINGAPORE – More infections could emerge after a 32-year-old man who dined with 12 family members tested positive for Covid-19, but with contact tracing and other measures, this will most likely not lead to a group. important. the experts said.

On Thursday evening, the Ministry of Health (MOH) reported Singapore’s first community case in more than two weeks: a Singaporean marine services engineer who tested positive four days after a family dinner last Saturday at the Garden of Seoul at Tampines Mall. She went to see a doctor after having a fever and a sore throat.

The group occupied three tables and there was coexistence, despite the rules that establish no more than five diners per group.

Professor Dale Fisher, senior consultant for the division of infectious diseases at National University Hospital, told The Straits Times: “It is quite possible that he transmitted it and there will be a second generation of cases, a small group. But as long as those contacts are quarantined when diagnosed, the chain of transmission will stop there.

“It is a credit to the improved surveillance of Singapore that has been detected. This gives us the best chance of stopping further spread early.”

Professor Teo Yik Ying, Dean of the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at the National University of Singapore, said: “I am not particularly concerned that this single case will suddenly result in a large outbreak within the community, as tracing Contacts will identify anyone who has been exposed and these people will be quarantined and tested. “

Even if the man continues to infect others on his networks, current contact tracing protocols will be able to stop the chain of transmission, he noted.

Professor Teo said: “Remember we have had community cases since February, and the protocols have worked well to handle any emerging groups.”

Still, the incident is a stark reminder that safe distancing and other measures must be taken seriously, experts stressed.

Associate Professor Alex Cook, vice dean for research at the same school, said: “If the five-person rule had been met, instead of 12 potentially at-risk family members, only four would be.”

Professor Teo said: “Having a stretch of zero community cases does not mean that we can lower our guard. The reality is that the public health measures that have been imposed have two purposes. First, to prevent outbreaks in the community.” And second, in the event of an outbreak, the spread is slowed down enough to allow contact tracing, testing and quarantine to break any chain of transmission in the community. “

Professor Gavin J. Smith, Acting Director of the Emerging Infectious Diseases Program at Duke-NUS School of Medicine, said: “The virus has not been eradicated and we must be prepared for occasional cases. People who stick to the measures Controllers make the job of preventing further spread much easier. “
