Complaints about noise from renovations on the rise as more people work from home


SINGAPORE: Taking Zoom calls for work can be difficult for Theodore Tan, whose Admiralty apartment is surrounded by units undergoing renovations.

“I have to be silent, I speak only when I really need to and I have to hope that there is no hammering, drilling or hacking,” said the 26-year-old researcher who works from home.

The peace and quiet he appreciated during the COVID-19 “breaker” period in Singapore has faded since some contractors got the green light to restart renovation work in mid-June.

When he received three separate notices of renovation work on his block a few weeks ago, the frustration and resignation began.

READ: More than 19,000 home renovation projects allowed work to resume after circuit breaker

“Usually I would be at my workplace five out of seven days a week and I wouldn’t feel the noise. But now that I work from home, I experience it all the time, ”he told CNA.

“It’s hard to concentrate, even if I try to play music to block it.”

Tan added that hammering and drilling are relatively more bearable, as they often last no more than an hour.

“But if it’s about the demolition of the wall, that will really raise the blood pressure,” he said.


Mr. Tan’s experience is not uncommon.

Complaints about noise from the renovation have risen amid a backlog of projects to be completed after the circuit breaker, in addition to the fact that more people are working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

From June 2 to October 31, there were 286 complaints about noise from renovations among residents of the properties, the National Environment Agency (NEA) told CNA.

This is a 60 percent increase from the 178 complaints it received in the same period in 2019.

“About 10 percent of the complaints involved renovation sites where noise levels exceeded limits. NEA took enforcement action against the contractors responsible for these sites, ”the agency said.

renovation work

File photo of an apartment undergoing renovation.

However, he noted that overall construction noise complaints, which includes noise from renovations, fell from 4,170 to 3,682 in the same period.

This is due to the “fewer active construction sites in the initial months after exiting the COVID-19 breaker on June 2,” NEA said.

READ: Review of construction noise limits to consider for residents who work from home: Desmond Tan

Regarding public housing, the Housing and Development Board (HDB) was unable to provide representative figures on noise complaints from renovation works.

“As comment providers may contact HDB more than once to comment on the same case, the total number of comments received is not representative of the actual number of cases on the ground. Therefore, it would not be meaningful to provide such figures, ”he told CNA on Monday (November 23).

Read: HDB received more reports about problems like cigarette smoke, noise during circuit breaker: Sim Ann

HDB added that it has “stepped up efforts to reduce nuisance” caused by renovation works by reminding apartment owners and contractors of various requirements and good practices.

This includes reminding contractors to notify neighboring units in writing of noisy jobs, such as hacking, at least three days before they start.

Complaints in condominiums are handled by their respective managing agents.

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(Photo: Pexels / Cal David)


For those who are affected by noise from neighboring houses, the general advice is to make plans to move out of the house during the renovation period, said Michael Ong, deputy secretary of the Singapore Renovation Contractors and Materials Suppliers Association. .

If it is not possible to get out in the middle of the pandemic, there are other suggestions.

“If the unit being renovated is in front of your apartment, open the windows but close the doors. If the unit being renovated is above or below yours, open the windows and doors. Otherwise it will contain the vibrations inside the house, ”said Ong.

He also recommended noise canceling earplugs or headphones if needed.

If the noise is too much to bear, he said neighbors may make requests, within reason, to halt renovation work temporarily.

“You have to keep in mind that the work has yet to go on, but if you say, ‘Can you stop one day? My son is having a great test today. ‘ We will try to stop, “said Mr. Ong.

“But the maximum is three days, any request beyond that I don’t think our clients will receive,” he added, citing the need to keep up with project deadlines.


Ong said those who are renovating their homes should speak personally with their new or existing neighbors, beyond simply informing them about the work through a notice.

“A couple of my clients bring their neighbors cookies as a gesture of goodwill to make them happier. So even when the renovation starts, they will be able to bear it, ”he said.

Mr. Ong added that in Singapore’s dense urban housing environment, it is important to have a spirit of neighborliness and understand “that these situations are unavoidable.”

“The key is that both parties must be reasonable,” he said.
