China poised to eclipse America as the world’s largest oil refinery



Photographer: Johannes Eisele / AFP / Getty Images

Earlier this month, Royal Dutch Shell Plc disconnected its Convent refinery in Louisiana. Unlike many oil refineries closed in recent years, Convent was far from outdated: it is quite large by American standards and sophisticated enough to convert a wide range of crude oils into high-value fuels. However, Shell, the world’s third-largest oil company, wanted to radically reduce refining capacity and could not find a buyer.

When Convent’s 700 workers learned they were out of work, their counterparts on the other side of the Pacific were starting a new unit at the giant Rongsheng Petrochemical. Zhejiang complex in northeast China. It is just one of at least four ongoing projects in the country, with a total of 1.2 million barrels per day of crude processing capacity, equivalent to the entire UK fleet.

The Covid crisis has accelerated a seismic shift in the global refining industry as demand for plastics and fuels grows in China and the rest of Asia, where economies are rapidly recovering from the pandemic. By contrast, refineries in the US and Europe are grappling with a deeper economic crisis, while the transition from fossil fuels dampens the long-term outlook for oil demand.

The United States has been at the helm of the refining group since the beginning of the oil era in the mid-19th century, but China will dethrone the United States next year, according to the International Energy Agency. In 1967, the year Convent opened, the United States had 35 times the refining capacity of China.

The boom in China’s refining industry, combined with several large new plants in India and the Middle East, is having an impact on the global energy system. Oil exporters are selling more crude to Asia and less to old customers in North America and Europe. And as they add capacity, China’s refineries are becoming a growing force in the international markets for gasoline, diesel and other fuels. That even puts pressure on older plants in other parts of Asia: Shell also announced this month that halve the capacity of its Singapore refinery.

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There are parallels to China’s growing dominance in the global steel industry at the beginning of this century, when China built a handful of massive modern mills. Designed to meet growing domestic demand, they also made China a force in the export market, putting pressure on higher-cost producers in Europe, North America and other parts of Asia and forcing the closing old and inefficient plants.

China is ready to surpass the United States in refinery capacity, having surpassed Europe

“China is going to put another million barrels a day or more on the table in the next few years,” said Steve Sawyer, director of refining at industrial consultancy Facts Global Energy, or FGE, in an interview. “China will probably overtake the United States in the next two years.”

Asia on the rise

But while capacity will increase in China, India and the Middle East, it can take years for oil demand to fully recover from the damage inflicted by the coronavirus. That will put a few million barrels a day more refining capacity out of business, plus a record 1.7 million barrels per day of processing capacity has already been suspended this year. More than half of these closures have occurred in the United States, according to the IEA.

About two-thirds of European refineries are not making enough money on fuel production to cover their costs, said Hedi Grati, Europe-CIS head of refining research at IHS Markit. Europe still needs to reduce its daily processing capacity by an additional 1.7 million barrels in five years.

“There’s more to come,” Sawyer said, anticipating the closing of another 2 million barrels per day of refining capacity until next year.

China’s refining capacity has nearly tripled since the turn of the millennium as it tried to keep up with the rapid growth in diesel and gasoline consumption. The country’s crude processing capacity is expected to increase to One billion tons a year, or 20 million barrels per day, by 2025 up from 17.5 million barrels at the end of this year, according to the China National Petroleum Corp. Research Institute of Economics and Technology.

India is also increasing its processing capacity by more than half to 8 million barrels per day by 2025, including 1.2 million new barrels per day mega project. Producers in the Middle East are joining the spree, building new units with at least two projects totaling more than a million barrels per day that will begin operations next year.

Driven by plastic

One of the key drivers of the new projects is the growing demand for petrochemicals that are used to make plastics. More than half of the refining capacity coming online from 2019 to 2027 will be added in Asia and 70% to 80% of this will be focused on plastics, according to industry consultant Wood Mackenzie.

The popularity of integrated refineries in Asia is driven by the region’s relatively rapid economic growth rates and the fact that it remains a net importer of raw materials such as naphtha, ethylene and propylene, as well as liquefied petroleum gas, which is used to make various types of plastic. The United States is a major supplier of naphtha and LPG to Asia.

These massive, integrated new plants make life more difficult for their smaller rivals, who lack their scale, flexibility to switch between fuels and the ability to process dirtier and cheaper crudes.

See also: Chinese megarefinery shows the advantages of integration: BNEF
