Trump Says Nothing About Covid-19 Vaccine Swap As Leaders Pledge To Do So, United States News & Top Stories


WASHINGTON (BLOOMBERG) – Leaders of the world’s richest countries vow to ensure a fair race to vaccinate people against the coronavirus, even as US President Donald Trump is silent about sharing US-made vaccines. United with other nations.

Trump told his counterparts on Saturday (November 21) at a virtual summit of Group of 20 nations that any American who wants the vaccine will be able to get it, and singled out American producers Pfizer, whose jab was developed in conjunction with a German. Company and Moderna, according to officials who asked not to be identified to discuss the talks, which were not open to the press.

Trump praised the American leadership and took credit for what he said was an efficient fight against the virus and success in strengthening the nation’s economy. But it said nothing about granting access to American vaccines to the rest of the world.

Deaths from coronavirus in the US continue to rise, having recently passed 250,000, with a total of infections topping 12 million.

Trump’s comments contrast with those of other leaders, many of whom spoke during the meeting, hosted by Saudi Arabia, about the need for a fair distribution of vaccines, especially in the poorest nations.

The summit communiqué, the copy of which was seen by Bloomberg and which the United States as a member state will have accepted, commits to “spare no effort to guarantee its affordable and equitable access for all people, in accordance with the commitments of the members of incentivize innovation “. He calls widespread immunization a “global public good.”

Shortly after Trump made his remarks on Saturday, he left the virtual session, while British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was speaking, and was replaced first by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and then by White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow. , according to officials familiar with the meeting. . Some other leaders also withdrew after giving their speeches, officials said.

Later, Trump left the White House for his Virginia golf course. A US official said it was common practice for leaders to come and go during such summits, which can last for many hours. The official, who asked not to be named to discuss private matters, said Trump stayed for at least the first hour of the meeting.

Russia in August announced its success by becoming the first nation to register a Covid-19 vaccine, Sputnik V.

However, American and European rivals are now moving faster to produce their vaccines and gain regulatory approval. The European Union has reached an agreement with Pfizer, which is associated with BioNTech of Germany, and is negotiating an agreement with Moderna.

Meanwhile, China is already launching mass production of vaccines to fight the disease, offering it as a soft power tool.

Echoing Trump, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said that it is up to each individual to decide whether to get vaccinated, adding that the pandemic should not justify attacks on people’s freedom.

Trump was not alone in praising his own country’s efforts.

But Russian President Vladimir Putin also said his country is ready to share its vaccines with others in need. That is despite the fact that Russia has not produced enough doses to initiate mass inoculation of its own population.

“The main risk, of course, remains the probability, despite some positive signs, of massive long-term unemployment and increasing poverty and social dislocation,” Putin said in his speech. “And the role of the G-20 is to ensure that this does not happen.”

“It is a case where competition may be unavoidable, but we must start primarily from humanitarian considerations and make it a priority,” Putin added on the availability of vaccines, according to an official Kremlin translation of his comments.

China also proposed to offer its vaccines.

“China will fulfill its promise, provide aid and support to developing countries, and strive to make vaccines a global public good that is accessible and affordable for all countries,” President Xi Jinping said at the meeting, according to the broadcaster. State CCTV.

Mr. Xi also called on G20 members to support the World Health Organization in coordinating the allocation of resources to ensure equitable and efficient distribution of vaccines around the world.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at the meeting that the G-20 should work to ensure the “affordable and fair distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine for all.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also said countries should share vaccines and highlighted the importance of multilateral cooperation against the virus, according to a G-20 official.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who holds the rotating presidency of the 55-nation African Union, called for all countries to have “equitable and affordable access” to a vaccine once it is available, and urged the G-20 to help ensure any financing. deficiencies are addressed.
