Angela Merkel HECKLED in the German Parliament announcing a new coronavirus lockdown | World | News


Under the new rules, all bars, restaurants and gyms will be closed for the entire month of November and public gatherings from more than two households will be prohibited. However, unlike the first blocked schools, non-essential schools and stores will be able to remain open.

Germany, like much of Europe, has seen an increase in coronavirus cases in recent weeks.

Merkel said the number of patients in intensive care has doubled in the last ten days and that German hospitals are weeks away from being overwhelmed without new measures.

He also admitted that Germany’s contract tracking system is no longer fully functional and cannot find the origin of 75 percent of COVID-19 cases.

When she made her announcement, the German chancellor was interrupted by MPs angered by the latest restrictions.

The criticisms were led by the liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP) and the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD).

Merkel argued that humans must adapt to defeat the coronavirus.

She said: “If the virus could think, it would think ‘I have the perfect host here.

“These people live all over the planet. They are globally connected and are social creatures, they cannot live without social contacts.

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On Thursday, Germany recorded another 16,774 coronavirus cases and 89 deaths.

So far, the pandemic has claimed 10,272 lives in the country.

The closure proposals were criticized by FDP leader Christian Lindner, who argued that they will cause enormous economic damage.

AfD co-leader Alexander Gauland added: “We consider Merkel’s shutdown of the culture and gastronomy sector, virtually the entire leisure life of our citizens, as excessive and inappropriate.”

However, the measure was well received by the opposition Green Party, although they criticized the government for downplaying the threat of a second wave.

Merkel warned Germans that they are facing a difficult winter, but said the current crisis will not last forever.

She commented: “This winter is going to be tough, four long months. But it will come to an end. “

On Wednesday, President Emmanuel Macron announced that France will enter a second national blockade until the end of November at the earliest.

During this period, people will only be allowed to leave their homes for medical reasons or essential jobs.

However, as in Germany, unlike what happened during the first closure, the schools will remain open.
