Asians who are supporting Trump to win


A Trump-themed bar in Vietnam
Donald Trump is so popular that in Vietnam they even named a bar after him

Donald Trump is not a president of the United States who has sought international support.

Following an openly nationalist “America First” policy, he has openly insulted half the world, from calling European leaders weak to describing Mexicans as rapists and even dismissing the entire African continent.

But for some in Southeast Asia, a shared enemy in China means they are still willing to support him.

Hong Kong: ‘Only Trump can hit the Communist Party’

Hong Kong has witnessed severe repression by Beijing in the wake of massive pro-democracy and anti-China protests. A new security law has been introduced to punish anyone who is seen as a secessionist or who undermines the Beijing government.

“When Donald Trump was elected four years ago, I thought America had gone crazy,” Erica Yuen tells the BBC. “I have always been a supporter of the Democrats. Now, however, I support Trump, along with many of the Hong Kong protesters.”

The activist and businesswoman says the priority for Hong Kong is to get a US president who “hits the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) hard, that’s the only thing Hong Kong protesters hope for.”

These hopes have been fueled by vocal criticism of the US president of China, particularly regarding Hong Kong.

During his tenure, Congress passed a law revoking Hong Kong’s special status, which gave the country preferential economic treatment because they said Hong Kong was no longer “autonomous.” Sanctions were also imposed on Hong Kong CEO Carrie Lam and 10 other senior officials from Hong Kong and mainland China.

Trump’s opponent, Joe Biden, also promised to “punish” China for its actions against Hong Kong, and has referred to Chinese leader Xi Jinping as a “bully.”

But for Ms. Yuen, what makes the difference is that the current government has been “the first to make the decision that the CCP is a harm to the world.”

“I don’t know why the Obama and Clinton administrations didn’t realize that. They were too naive and thought that the CCP would choose a democratic path and become a modern society. But that was proven to be untrue.”

Protester throwing brick
Hong Kong has seen waves of unrest in recent years

She is aware that Hong Kong is vulnerable to the economic repercussions of a conflict between Washington and Beijing.

“You cannot harm the CCP without harming Hong Kong,” he says. “But we are prepared for any short-term suffering, we are ready to sacrifice.”

While he says that most activists, particularly young people, share his views, opinion polls show that overall, Trump receives rather mixed criticism at home. In a recent poll, nearly half of those surveyed gave it a “poor” rating, with many saying Washington’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic had affected its reputation.

Taiwan: ‘A Big Brother We Can Trust’

Tensions have been mounting between China and the island of Taiwan. The two split during a civil war in the 1940s, but Beijng insists the island will be reclaimed at some point, by force if necessary. Washington says any resolution to their long separation must be made peacefully.

Trade tariffs and sanctions have also impressed some in Taiwan.

“Donald Trump’s attitude is good for us and it is good to have such an ally. It gives us more confidence in terms of foreign affairs, military and commercial,” Victor Lin, who works in electronic commerce, told the BBC from Taiwan. “We have an older brother that we can trust.”

Trump has undoubtedly broadened his reach to Taiwan. In recent months, the two governments have taken important steps towards finalizing a bilateral trade agreement.

Such a trade agreement with the United States would allow Taiwan to move away from its heavy dependence on China, Linh believes, possibly going so far as to “actively invite large Taiwanese companies to establish factories in the United States.”

He is concerned that Biden will not take action that is “so provocative” in the face of Beijing’s ire. Biden has traditionally been known as a supporter of commitment to China. Although it has changed its position on the matter more recently, it has not reached the ears of many Taiwanese who fear that a Chinese “invasion” is imminent.

Tank man balloon in Taipei
In 2019, a ‘tank man’ with balloons in Taiwan marked the anniversary of the Tiananmen crackdown

Trump’s actions to support Taiwan militarily have also bolstered his support there. In fact, a recent poll showed that Taiwan is the only country where those who want another Trump for years outnumber those who want Biden to win.

Beijing has reacted strongly, warning the United States “not to send the wrong signals to the elements of ‘Taiwan independence’ to avoid serious damage to Sino-US relations.”

Vietnam: ‘Brave to the point of recklessness’

Both Washington and Beijing have fought wars on Vietnamese soil for the past 50 years, but while the United States has largely been forgiven, the Southeast Asian country continues to fear the “threat from China.”

Trump fans in Vietnam in two groups, according to political analyst and vlogger Linh Nguyen.

Those who like him simply for the entertainment and glamor, and those who are “staunch Trump supporters” and follow American politics because they believe, like many in Hong Kong and Taiwan, that he is the only bulwark against communist governments in China. and Vietnam.

Neither Trump nor Biden have spelled out a Vietnam strategy, and Trump has made it very clear that he will not rush to intervene in conflicts and disputes in other countries.

Yet some, like political activist Vinh Huu Nguyen, believe that only someone like Trump “who is brave to the point of recklessness and even aggression” can make a difference.

Donald Trump with the Prime Minister of Vietnam, Nguyen Xuan Phuc
Donald Trump smiles with Prime Minister of Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc

“And that’s what sets him apart from his predecessors. Dealing with China requires those people.”

When Donald Trump came to power, Nguyen said he felt the world would finally “wake up to the dangers of China” and “its new form of communist state capitalism.”

But there is also the desire for economic and political reform within Vietnam, away from the one-party communist regime.

Personally, he hopes that a firm stance by the United States against the CCP could have a ripple effect throughout the region, eventually reaching Hanoi.

Japan: ‘It’s about our national security’

Japan has long been considered a valued partner and ally of the United States, but when Trump was elected, many people were nervous about the impact of his US policy on relations. He canceled a trans-Pacific multilateral trade deal shortly after taking office and insists that Japan must pay more money to support US troops stationed there.

“Donald Trump is our ally. For Japan, the main reason we support him is national security,” says Yoko Ishii, a YouTuber who vlogs under the name Random Yoko.

She points to the frequent intrusions of Chinese military planes and ships into Japanese airspace and waters. Much of these focus on the disputed Senkaku Islands, claimed by both Tokyo and Beijing, which calls them the Diaoyu Islands.

“We really want a US leader who can fight China aggressively,” he says, adding “I don’t think anyone can be that outspoken and have such a strong presence; it really has to be Donald Trump.”

Vlogger Yoko Ishii
Ms Ishii leaves little doubt about her love for the headline

Ishii sees Japan in a quasi-alliance with other Asian nations and territories that would seek support in the United States against Beijing.

But despite her enthusiastic support for Trump to remain in the White House, vocal supporters like her are a minority in Japan. While the majority generally share a positive view of the United States, only a quarter of Japanese have confidence in President Trump.

Unlike some of his Asian neighbors, many hope that Biden, who is seen as someone who will interact with his allies in a way that Trump did not, re-enter the Trans-Pacific Partnership process and become more closely involved with Tokyo, both economically and militarily.

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