The family of the deceased NIE don donates $ 120k as a donation to stimulate character and citizenship education, news and highlights on parenting and education


SINGAPORE – The family of a gift from the National Institute of Education (NIE) who died last year has donated $ 120,000 for a donation to stimulate character and citizenship education (CCE).

The late Dr. Ong Yong Peng, who died at age 80, was an associate professor at the NIE for 25 years. Throughout his career, he was involved in teaching moral and character education to future teachers.

Dr. Ong was a staunch defender of traditional values, such as students’ respect for teachers, perseverance, and filial piety, NIE said in a statement on Tuesday (October 27).

While at the NIE, he also served as founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew’s personal Chinese language tutor in 1984, when Professor Chew Cheng Hai, the regular tutor, was on sabbatical leave.

The fund will go towards three annual book awards of up to $ 1,000 each to recognize future teachers who excel in citizenship and character education (CCE).

On Monday (October 26) an event was held at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) to mark the donation. In attendance were Ms. Ong Yong Peng, Dr. Ong’s widow, and his son-in-law, Mr. Cheng Shoong Tat.

In a prerecorded message shown at the event, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat said: “Character and citizenship education has been fundamental to developing our students holistically, anchoring them in our core values, growing their socio-emotional competencies. and develop in them a deeper appreciation of Singapore. “

Introduced in 2014, the CCE is a central pillar of Singapore’s education system and teaches strong moral values ​​and responsible citizenship.

The Ministry of Education (MOE) has plans to revitalize the CCE curriculum next year.

NIE Director Christine Goh noted that CCE is reinforced for every NIE teacher student through three core values-based courses.

“The Dr. Ong Yong Peng Book Award is timely and appropriate to reinforce NIE’s plans to further strengthen the delivery of CCE to student teachers, especially through mother tongue languages,” he said.

Book awards will be awarded to outstanding graduate master’s students from all three NIE programs:

– Diploma in Education (Teaching Chinese language at primary level)

– Graduate Diploma in Education (Teaching Chinese language at primary level)

– Bachelor of Arts (Teaching at the primary level – Candidate with Chinese as an academic subject)
