Travelers from more countries are allowed to deliver stay-at-home notices in their own place of residence, Singapore highlights and news


SINGAPORE – Travelers from more countries will be able to deliver their stay-at-home notices to their own place of residence when they arrive here starting November 4.

These countries are Estonia, Fiji, Finland, Japan, Norway, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Turkey, the Ministry of Health (MINSA) said in a statement on Tuesday night (October 27).

Travelers from these countries can request to opt-out of dedicated door-to-door notice facilities beginning November 2

This is conditional on meeting certain criteria, such as not having traveled to other countries in addition to those mentioned in the last 14 days prior to entry.
They must also remain alone in their place of residence, or only with household members who are also serving stay-at-home notices and have the same travel history and duration.
However, since the list of countries will be constantly updated in accordance with the public health risk assessment, “all travelers should be prepared to be subject to current border measures upon entry, including staying in dedicated facilities. to the notice of stay in the home and payment, when applicable, “the MOH said.

Other travelers from select low-risk countries or regions must provide a seven-day stay-at-home notice at their place of residence. All other travelers must provide a 14-day stay-at-home notice at specialized facilities.

All travelers who decide to stay at their place of residence must remain at the declared location at all times and will be required to use an electronic monitoring device issued at checkpoints after they have cleared immigration.

They will be asked to activate it once they arrive at your place of residence.

Random physical checks will also be carried out and strict measures will be taken against those who violate their stay-at-home notice or make false statements.

Special transportation arrangements will need to be made from the immigration checkpoint to the traveler’s place of residence and their respective testing facilities, where they must be cleaned for Covid-19 before your stay-at-home notice ends.

The total cost of between $ 200 and $ 220 for all trips would be borne by the traveler.

Effective January 1 next year, the Ministry of Health said the Government will no longer waive the costs of staying at dedicated stay-at-home notification facilities for Singaporeans and permanent residents who last left Singapore. time before March 27 of this year, since the vast majority have already returned. .

Similarly, all new and returning travelers, including long-term pass holders, will be held responsible for their medical bills, should they develop Covid-19 symptoms within 14 days of arrival.

Singaporeans and PRs can turn to government grants and Medishield Life or Integrated Shield Plan to pay their medical bills.

All short-term visit pass holders are responsible for their medical bills at unsubsidized rates during their stay in Singapore if they test positive for Covid-19.
