Chief Justice Grants Permission to Investigate DPPs for Misconduct in Former Maid Parti Liyani Case, Courts & Crime News & Top Stories


SINGAPORE – The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has given the green light for an investigation into the allegation of misconduct by former domestic worker Parti Liyani against the two deputy prosecutors involved in her robbery trial.

Ms. Parti had previously requested permission to initiate disciplinary proceedings against DPP Tan Yanying and DPP Tan Wee Hao, who handled the theft charges against her. Subsequently, Ms. Parti was acquitted by the High Court on appeal.

She was accused of stealing from her former employer, Mr. Liew Mun Leong, former president of the Changi Airport Group.

The charge alleged that Ms Parti had stolen, among other things, a Pioneer DVD player and, on appeal to the Superior Court, she was acquitted of all charges.

In his judgment on Friday (October 23), Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon wrote: “In particular, the plaintiff contends that the DPPs, in conducting the trial, concealed material facts and thus created the false impression that the device was fully functional.

“She claims that, had it not been for the false impression given to her, she would not have accepted, on cross-examination, that the device was operational. On this basis, the DPPs suggested that she had lied about the circumstances in which it arrived the device. be in her possession. However, had she been informed of all the facts, there would have been no basis for the DPPs to suggest that she had been lying. “

The high-profile case sparked public outrage, with questions about the evidence-gathering process and the way the trial was conducted.

The police and AGC reviews are expected to conclude this month.

The Minister of Law and Home Affairs, K. Shanmugam, has said that he intends to make a ministerial statement in Parliament next month after these reviews are completed, and will address the questions raised.

Ms. Parti, who worked for the Liews for nine years, had claimed a trial in April 2018 on allegations that she stole $ 34,000 worth of items from the family.

While on bail, he stayed at a shelter run by the migrant worker group Humanitarian Organization for the Economy of Migration (Home). The NGO contacted Mr. Anil Balchandani, who represented it free of charge under the Criminal Legal Assistance Scheme.

In March last year, the Indonesian was sentenced to 26 months in prison.

He appealed against his conviction in a three-day hearing that took place between November of last year and August of this year.

In June, Ms. Parti filed a complaint against DPPs Tan Wee Hao and Tan Yanying.

In acquitting Ms Parti, one of the issues raised by High Court Judge Chan Seng Onn in his judgment related to a demonstration conducted by the DPPs on a DVD player.

Parti said he was allowed to take the device as it was broken.

During the trial, the DPPs showed Ms. Parti that the device could play video stored digitally on the hard drive. However, during the appeal, it was shown that the device could not play DVDs.

Judge Chan had said that if the prosecution had known about this defect, they should have fully disclosed it.

Otherwise, the trial court could be wrong and think that the player was in good working condition when Ms Parti was asked questions.
