Singapore’s Best 15-Year ‘Global Competence’ Assessment: PISA Study


SINGAPORE: Singaporean 15-year-olds ranked first in the 2018 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) global proficiency study, beating out 26 other countries.

PISA defines “global competence” as the ability to examine important issues, appreciate other perspectives, engage in effective cross-cultural interactions, and take action for collective well-being and sustainable development.

About 46 percent of the 6,676 students surveyed in Singapore achieved the two highest global proficiency proficiency levels, compared to the average of 14 percent in the 27 education systems that participated in the assessment, the Ministry of Education said. Education (MOE), commenting on the findings in a press release on Thursday (Oct 22).

All 153 public secondary schools and 13 randomly selected private schools in Singapore participated in PISA 2018.

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At these proficiency levels, students showed “great ability” to identify and analyze different perspectives, evaluate information to differentiate between biased and unbiased sources, evaluate situations and make connections between multiple activities within a problem, the Education Ministry said.

“Global competition is an important asset our students must be equipped with to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and unpredictable world. We are therefore encouraged to see that the findings from the PISA Global Competence Study have shown that our students have the skills, knowledge and attitude to thrive in such a world, ”said Mr. Sng Chern Wei, Deputy Director General education (curriculum) of the MOE. .

“The study found that our students, regardless of their backgrounds, have demonstrated a great ability to examine global issues, interact and communicate clearly with people of different cultural backgrounds, and appreciate multiple perspectives. She also found that our students strongly believe in the ability to positively influence their own lives, as well as the world around them. “

Seniors with socioeconomic status also performed well, with approximately 26% in the two highest proficiency levels, compared to 6% of seniors with socioeconomic status in all participating systems.

“We will continue to provide all of our students with varied curricular and co-curricular learning experiences, such as discussions on contemporary issues, learning trips to local cultural and heritage sites, research projects on diverse cultures, and immersion programs with schools in the region, to help them. they further develop their knowledge and skills in CG, ”said the MOE.


Of the seven topics analyzed in the assessment, Singaporean students were most familiar with climate change and global warming, and least familiar with international conflicts and global health. The PISA 2018 test was administered prior to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, the MOE noted.

The other topics surveyed were migration, equality between men and women in different parts of the world, hunger or malnutrition in different parts of the world, and the causes of poverty.

Eight out of 10 students surveyed in Singapore were confident in explaining issues related to climate change, including how carbon dioxide emissions affect global climate change, compared to the OECD average of 63%.

Students are exposed to climate change in the general high school science curriculum, as well as economic issues in social studies and elective geography in high school, the Ministry of Education noted in the press release.

“To help students better understand global issues, we will continue to encourage them to read more widely. This can also help them develop a deeper appreciation for different perspectives and respect for different cultures, ”added the Ministry of Education.

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Students reported that their schools have provided opportunities for them to be exposed to global issues and cross-cultural interactions both inside and outside the classroom, Mr. Sng said.

“This has affirmed the persistent effort of our schools over the years to provide our students with learning experiences to develop their 21st century competencies,” he added.

The Education Ministry developed a 21st century competency framework beginning in 2010 that includes civic education, global awareness and cross-cultural skills, the ministry said. Curricular and co-curricular learning experiences have been provided in schools to help students develop these competencies, he added.


The study has also allowed the Ministry of Education to identify “some areas for improvement,” said Mr. Sng.

Singaporean students performed below their OECD peers in terms of their “self-perceived cognitive adaptability,” the study found. PISA defines self-perceived cognitive adaptability as the ability to adapt one’s thinking and behavior to the prevailing cultural environment or novel situations that could present new challenges.

Only half of Singaporean students said they could deal with unusual situations, below the OECD average of 59%. The study also found that cognitive adaptability is positively associated with students’ resilience or their confidence to handle difficult situations.

“For example, our students, compared to their peers in the OECD, have a lower level of confidence in their ability to adapt their thinking and behavior when faced with a new situation,” noted Mr. Sng.

“We certainly want to help them get stronger in this area by promoting a stronger sense of growth mindset in them, and also by providing them with varied learning experiences so that they are exposed to novel situations and making decisions in those situations.”

Despite these areas for improvement, the MOE “can be proud” of what students have demonstrated through the study of global competence, he added.

“Their high level of ability to understand global issues, interact with people of diverse cultural backgrounds, and appreciate diverse perspectives to help them prosper in the world that awaits them. They have shown us that they are progressively growing into responsible members of our local and global community. ”
