Bhutan’s Tree Warrior: Spreading Life in the World’s Most Climate-Conscious Nation


THIMPHU: Sonam Phuntsho was just a kid when the passion for planting engulfed him.

In a rural village in eastern Bhutan, she remembers the first sapling she helped grow outside her home, from seeds she retrieved from a nearby forest.

“When you plant a tree and when you see it grow, I feel alive and of course it gives me pure and limitless joy,” he said. “I planted hordes of trees around my house and beyond each winter break. From that fateful day on, there was no going back. “

Now 58 and retired, Phuntsho is on a mostly lonely mission to bring the hills around his home to life, the nation’s capital, Thimphu.

He is a warrior of the trees in a country with some of the most magical forests in the world. And much work remains to be done.


Sonam Phuntsho walks ten kilometers every day to plant trees in degraded forest areas in Thimphu. (Photo: Jack Board)

Bhutan is a country dedicated to protecting the environment; its constitution requires that at least 60% of its entire land mass be covered by forests, a goal that it easily achieves and exceeds right now.

More than half of the country is also currently reserved as protected areas, national parks, animal sanctuaries and biological corridors.

The result is that Bhutan has become a carbon negative country, thanks in large part to the sinks provided by its 800 million trees. Those offsets amount to 8.7 million tons of carbon dioxide, roughly four times what the entire nation produces.

But as climate change puts greater pressure on the country’s forest resources and ecological balance, Phuntsho believes that taking action and gaining merit in the natural world has never been more important.

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Forest fires, dry weather and degraded soil have contributed to the lack of trees in Kuensel Phodrang. (Photo: Jack Board)

On land that has been left bare and barren as a result of forest fires and dry weather conditions, he goes to work every day.

Phuntsho walks 10 kilometers to reach Kuensel Phodrang, gentle hills overlooking the misty valley that is home to Bhutan’s largest city. It is also a spiritual place, home to the Great Dordenma Buddha, a huge gilded bronze statue that dominates the city.

Phuntsho leaves at 8 a.m. with a packed lunch and a packet of seeds and cuttings. He is a self-employed volunteer, but feels compelled to continue his task: planting new trees and managing the land.

“Given that Bhutan has vowed to keep 60 percent of its land under forest cover for the entire time to come, I am deeply motivated to be contributing in some small way to fulfill this promise,” he said.


Forests cover 72 percent of Bhutan’s land mass. (Photo: Jack Board)

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“The area is slowly coming to life. I have planted more than 100,000 plants. It will take years, but I know that one day this hill will be full of forest life. “

His attitude and dedication is something that is intended to instill in all Bhutanese.

In February, on the occasion of the birthday of the King of Bhutan, the country’s Prime Minister, Dr. Lotay Tshering, encouraged all citizens to plant a tree, as a “true example of being a champion of the climate.”


The urban economy has been sacrificed to further conserve Bhutan’s environment. (Photo: Jack Board)

“If you could take care of a tree, that person will surely take care of the life of his family in the best natural way possible,” he told CNA.

“Whatever we do on a daily basis, climate change is involved. What I wear, what I eat, what I do during the day actually has a direct relationship with climate change. For generations to come, Bhutan will definitely be carbon negative and that is a small gift that we can give to the world. “

The government has banned commercial logging, and local Bhutanese are prohibited from taking fish from rivers, killing wild animals, or setting forests on fire for agricultural or logging purposes.


Forest fires are common in dry conditions in Bhutan. (Photo: Jack Board)

While this has allowed the trees to flourish, some critics say the forests are now overcrowded, reducing the health of life within them, affecting groundwater and increasing the risks of damaging fires. Grasslands and meadows have been reduced and agricultural land has been limited.

There are also arguments that using wood to fuel the construction industry would result in more climate-friendly buildings, rather than the reliance on cement and glass that dominates Bhutan’s urban areas.

But officials insist that Bhutan is making the right decisions, despite the economic impacts that may result, and the law is strong on protecting forests.

“If you don’t have it in your constitution, the need to exploit for commercial purposes will always outweigh any other priority you have. That is the reality, ”said the secretary of the National Environment Commission, Sonam Wangdi.


Phuntsho says that he intends to continue planting trees as long as he can physically do so. (Photo: Jack Board)

“Forests are a source of livelihood for many, and even under microclimatic conditions, the forest is what controls precipitation. The more forest it has, the more regular rainfall it will have, which helps farming communities, ”he said.

“Every citizen is a trustee of the environment who has the right to enjoy and the duty to protect. It is written in our constitution. It imposes responsibility on each and every citizen. We have to make efforts ”.

Phuntsho could not be asked to do more. He hopes his work in degraded land areas will deliver results for generations to come.

“For me, planting trees is deeply spiritual. Every time I plant a tree, I pray that it benefits all sentient beings, ”he said.


Buddhism and the merits of planting trees are closely related to Bhutan’s ‘tree warrior’. (Photo: Jack Board)

“I am aware that when the tree I plant grows, it becomes a source of home and food for hundreds of thousands of birds, insects and animals. If a tree can do that, imagine what hundreds of thousands of trees it plants can do ”.

He added: “Buddhists believe that helping to give a life and helping to maintain a life are two of the greatest positive actions you can take in your life. I am more than happy to be able to do this every day of my life. I intend to do it until my last breath ”.
