Singapore #Fitspo of the Week: Alexander Yue


Alexander alternates between working out in the gym, doing HIIT study classes, and doing circuit and calisthenics workouts in the park. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay)

A: Born in Melbourne, Australia, I played many different sports during school, but my main focus was tennis and volleyball. I moved to Beijing when I was 10 years old and I was there until I was 18. Indoor volleyball was my favorite sport and our school competed in tournaments against other international schools throughout Asia. I also grew up skiing and competing competitively as a kid.

I started to learn boxing and also went snowboarding and wakeboarding. It took me many years to decide to ditch my skis and start snowboarding, but I’m glad I finally learned to do both.

I returned to Australia for university and did not care at all about my health and well-being. I was eating what I wanted and my diet revolved mostly around junk food and alcohol. I was traveling happily until I realized that the lifestyle I was leading was not sustainable.

Alexander started going to the gym to change his lifestyle to a more sustainable one. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay)

When I moved to Singapore five years ago at the age of 22, my group of friends consisted of fitness fanatics and Abercrombie models, so I was finally convinced to start working out at the gym. I had also just started modeling and acting at this time, and being fit is undoubtedly an asset in this industry.

Yeah my life used to be a lot of nights (probably drinking and partying) … Honestly, I can’t even remember what my lifestyle was like before I found fitness. I was never aware of the foods and drinks I was consuming every day and how they would affect my well-being.

Having an active lifestyle has greatly changed my life. Not only do I feel stronger and healthier, but it has also helped me become a more confident and determined person. Fitness has helped me to create greater self-awareness and I have become a goal setter, both in fitness and in my career.

Alexander believes that leading an active lifestyle has helped him become a more confident and determined individual. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay)

Luckily, I haven’t found any incidents where my physique has been questioned (yet). I think the pressure comes from within, where I want to be able to present the best version of myself to the audience.

I probably felt less self-confident when I started acting and modeling. It was difficult to find the courage to take risks because I didn’t want to be ashamed, and it was difficult for me to accept that failure and mistakes were part of the growth process. Learning to accept these mistakes and failures, as well as improving my work ethic, has helped me to be more confident in my abilities as an actor and as a person.

I’ve definitely had moments of satisfaction, but those moments don’t last long. Building yourself is a never-ending process and there is always more to do.

Who has not done it?

Singapore #Fitspo of the Week: Alexander Yue (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay)
