Biden warns ‘outrageous’ comments on Trump’s vote could cause violence


Democratic candidate Joe Biden called Donald Trump’s attempts to undermine the integrity of the November presidential election “irresponsible, scandalous,” after the president refused twice this week to commit to a peaceful transfer of power in the event. to lose.

“The people of this country will be heard on November 3,” Biden told MSNBC. “All the votes in the country will be heard and will not stop.” He continued: “What worries me is whether he [Trump] it generates some kind of response in a way that disturbs society or provokes some kind of violence ”.

Trump told reporters at the White House on Thursday that he is “not sure” the elections can be honest and called the vote a “scam.”

“We have to be very careful with the ballots,” he said. “The ballots, you know, that’s a big scam.”

The comments quickly alarmed elected officials throughout Washington and beyond. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, usually a staunch Republican ally of the president, tweeted on Wednesday, “The winner of the November 3 elections will be inaugurated on January 20. There will be an orderly transition as there has been every four years since 1792 ”.

“You are not in North Korea; you are not in turkey; you are not in Russia, Mr. President, and by the way, you are not in Saudi Arabia, ”said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat. New York Times. “You are in the United States of America. It is a democracy, so why not try for a moment to honor your oath to the Constitution of the United States? “

The comments come amid a heated partisan dispute over whether the Senate should fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court before the election. Trump has hinted that part of her motivation for occupying the ninth seat before the election is to ensure a favorable balance of Republicans on the field if the vote is contested.

“I think this will end up in the Supreme Court,” he said Wednesday. “And I think having a four-for-four situation is not a good situation, if you understand.

Trump has routinely attacked, without proof, the credibility of US elections and various forms of legal voting such as mail-in ballots.

On Monday, a federal judge in New York ordered the administration to reverse operational changes at the Postal Service that would have slowed mail delivery and potentially affected mail-in ballots.

Trump previously called voting by mail a “scam,” while encouraging voters in Florida, who elected him in the 2016 election, to vote by mail in comments Thursday.

In March, he said his opposition to policies like mail-in voting, same-day registration and early voting was because they could help Democrats get more votes by expanding turnout.

“The things they had there were crazy,” Trump said of a Democratic push to prepare elections for the impact of COVID on turnout. “They had things, voting levels that, if you ever accepted it, you would never elect a Republican in this country again.”

Earlier this month, Facebook and Twitter also flagged their posts for spreading incorrect information about the voting.

The comments on the transfer of power echo his previous statements about voting in the 2016 elections, which he called “rigged”, and which also said he was not sure whether to grant them.
