Shocked by the honesty about the car accident, a man invites an alleged migrant worker to dinner, Digital News


As painful as it must have been to see his parked car damaged, one man couldn’t help but be moved by the honesty of the culprit.

Facebook user Tong Yee related that he had found a piece of paper slipped on his car’s windshield upon returning to his vehicle on Wednesday (September 23) morning.

Instead of a parking ticket, it was a note scrawled by someone who admitted hitting the back of Tong’s car. An inspection revealed that the bumper on his car was dented and dirty.

Fortunately, the culprit had left his contact number to resolve the matter. In a series of WhatsApp screenshots shared on his post, Tong’s exchange with the other party, a man named Shamsul, who is presumed to be a migrant worker, had been quite pleasant.

Sincerely regretful and eager to make peace with Tong, Shamsul was open to suggestions on how to proceed, immediately admitting that the accident was due to his carelessness.

Impressed by the integrity, Tong mentioned that $ 200 would be enough to repair the small dent and that if more costs were incurred, he would recharge it himself. When Shamsul asked to make the payment the following week after his salary was rolled over, Tong said a $ 50 monthly fee would also be fine.


Tong was so impressed by the other party’s honesty that he invited Shamsul to dinner.

“I haven’t met you yet, but I want to say that you really cheered me up,” Tong addressed in his message to Shamsul. “I have been quite stressed recently. But you brought me a release that I needed. I will do my best to make sure he is honored by his integrity. “

And if you really are a foreigner working here, then bless you. It is a privilege to have them working with us, ”she added.

The exchange between the two has clearly left a mark on Facebook – Tong’s post garnered thousands of likes and shares.

Some have even moved enough, offered to cover the cost of repair. Tong said a friend owns an auto repair shop and wants to do the repairs at cost, so the payment should be very manageable.


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