COVID-19 restrictions were further lowered on worship services, wedding receptions; up to 100 attendees allowed


SINGAPORE: Up to 100 attendees will be allowed at all wedding and worship services starting October 3, compared to the current limit of 50.

The announcement, made at a multi-ministerial working group (MTF) virtual press conference on Wednesday (September 23), follows a pilot from the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) on August 7, which allowed an increase in the limit of worshipers for congregational and worship services in 12 religious organizations.

“The pilot has shown that safe distancing measures can be implemented effectively,” said Health Minister Gan Kim Yong. “We hope these measures serve to help support the spiritual needs of Singaporeans, especially during these difficult times.”

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In a press release, the Ministry of Health (MOH) also said that MCCY is considering a pilot to increase worship limits to 250 people (five zones of 50 people for congregational services) and will release more details later.

“Globally and in Singapore we have seen large groups … at religious gatherings and therefore we have been very cautious in mitigating broadcasts at these events,” said Mr. Gan. “At the same time, we recognize that religious activities and worship are important facets of daily life for many Singaporeans.”

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As an expansion from a current pilot for wedding receptions, up to 100 unique wedding attendees will be allowed, subject to venue capacity. This figure includes the bride and groom, but excludes vendors and service providers.

Participants in a wedding can be divided into several zones of up to 50 people each, or divided into staggered schedules with up to 50 people in each space, the Health Ministry said. There must be at least 30 minutes between the slots for the event space to be cleaned and sanitized.

“We have taken a cautious approach to events such as weddings. Some couples have postponed their wedding plans in hopes that they can weather the pandemic and continue their original plans for a large wedding reception like the one we used to do before the COVID-19 pandemic. “said Health Minister Gan Kim Yong.

“But the end of the pandemic is still far off, and postponing a wedding indefinitely may not be practical or desirable.”

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At the beginning of Phase 2 of Singapore’s reopening on June 19, wedding solemnizations were allowed to take place with up to 20 people. It was further expanded to 50 people as of August 4.

As of October 3, this limit will amount to 100 people, divided into several zones of up to 50 people each, the Health Ministry said. Venue operators may impose a lower cap if they cannot meet zoning or staggered time requirements, and video link solemnizations will continue to be offered as an option for couples.

“Although wedding receptions are higher risk events as large groups of people interact and mingle, we believe that with strict adherence to safe distancing and safe management measures, and the discipline of all guests to do their part, We can mitigate the risks and still allow a joyous occasion for the married couples and their families and friends as they come together to share this important milestone in the couple’s lives, “added Mr. Gan.

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A pilot will also be launched starting in November to allow wedding receptions hosted by a registered wedding planner to take place in common areas of the Housing Development Board (HDB) such as empty terraces and managed multipurpose rooms. by municipalities.

More details, including the start date for this initiative, will be released at a later stage, the Health Ministry said.

“The increase in the number of attendees is intended to facilitate marriages that may have been postponed or suspended. Given the dynamic situation of the COVID19 situation, we encourage couples who are ready to proceed with their wedding plans to do so without delay, “said MOH.

“The Task Force from various ministries will continue to review the parameters of the wedding solemnizations and wedding receptions based on the ability of the organizers and attendants to work together to comply with the necessary safe management measures. The pilot test can only be sustained if these higher risk events are carried out safely for the bride and groom, their family and friends, and the general public. “

In addition, large movie theaters with more than 300 seats will be able to have up to three zones with up to 50 clients each, the Ministry of Health said.

Other movie theaters will also be allowed to increase their capacity to 50 percent of their original operating capacity, or to maintain the current limit of up to 50 spectators per theater, subject to the relevant security management measures.

See the full press conference:

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