CDC Maintains a ‘Low Profile’ But Vital During Crises, Says Prime Minister Lee at Inauguration of Mayors


SINGAPORE: Community Development Councils (CDC) often keep a low profile, but their contributions are vital in times of crisis, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Wednesday (September 23).

“CDC often takes a low profile and works quietly but steadily to fulfill its mission,” he said during an induction ceremony for the mayors of the five districts. “But in times of crisis, their contributions are vital and become more apparent.”

Ms. Low Yen Ling, Ms. Denise Phua, and Mr. Desmond Choo have been appointed mayors of South West CDC, Central CDC, and North East CDC respectively.

Mr. Alex Yam is the Mayor of North West CDC, succeeding Dr. Teo Ho Pin, who is Singapore’s longest-serving Mayor, having served for 19 years.

Newly elected Member of Parliament, Fahmi Aliman, has been appointed Mayor of the South East CDC, replacing Dr. Maliki Osman, who was promoted to Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister in the Ministries of Education and Foreign Affairs.

Mayors oversee individual CDCs, which aim to help those in need through local assistance schemes, promote community ties, and connect community and corporate partners to better serve residents.

Residents who need help and don’t know where to get help can turn to the CDC, Lee said.

“The CDC can then help or redirect them, and take some of the burden off them from getting rid of the bureaucracy,” he added.

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Lee said the Government fully supports the CDC mission and noted that as part of the 2020 Budget, it had provided an additional grant of S $ 75 million for CDC efforts.

CDC implemented more than 70 initiatives between February and June in response to COVID-19, he said, highlighting the CDC Voucher Scheme as an example.

Lee said that S $ 20 million worth of coupons were distributed to help 400,000 households with the cost of living, including many middle-income families who have come under pressure from the pandemic.

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Additionally, Mr. Lee said mayors have introduced plans to help children from needy households continue their education and help residents become more employable to succeed in the economy of the future.

“To fulfill its duties well, CDC must be led by strong and passionate leaders who are familiar with the local community and can mobilize and motivate their councilors, volunteers and partners,” he said.

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Mr. Lee said that Dr. Teo and Dr. Maliki will be replaced by two “equally passionate” people in Mr. Yam and Mr. Fahmi.

Mr. Yam, as a deputy in his third term, is quite experienced, the Prime Minister said, adding that Mr. Yam is concerned about those who are “depressed” and has spoken in Parliament on issues ranging from trafficking of people to animal welfare.

“Even before he became a deputy, he had worked on the grassroots for many years and was also a district councilor for the North West CDC,” Lee said. “So this is like a homecoming for him.”

Yam said she will focus on providing “timely support” to vulnerable residents during this difficult period, strengthening community ties by reviving the “kampung spirit,” enhancing residents’ skills in the digital age, and introducing sustainability into program planning. .

“While most of the CDC’s activities have been connected during this period, I look forward to resuming some of our face-to-face engagements with residents, when it is safe to do so.”

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While Fahmi is a deputy for the first time, he has been in public service his entire life, Lee said.

Mr. Fahmi was a colonel in the Singapore Armed Forces before joining the Singapore Islamic Religious Council last year to work on social and educational programs for the Malay-Muslim community. He now works in the National Trade Union Congress and focuses on low-wage workers.

“Everyone who knows him describes him as a gentle soul with a big heart,” Lee said. “These are precisely the qualities that all of our mayors, who are charged with overseeing our CDC, need.”

Mr. Fahmi said he is “excited” about his new position, adding that it will allow him to help residents as much as he can, including looking for employment and improving his skills.

His areas of concern include interfaith and interethnic harmony, as well as the mental health of young people, he said, noting that it is important for society to be open, connected and to find safe spaces for exchanges to occur.

“Young people will also need a platform to speak or better understand issues that are not commonly discussed,” he added.

“Moving forward, we will continue to turn to schools and partners to better reach youth and explore other channels of communication and support for mental well-being.”

Mr. Lee said he is pleased that a “strong group” of mayors has been identified for the next term, with Ms. Low as chair of the Mayors Committee.

“I am sure they will build on the work of their predecessors and their own work in previous terms, adding to the precious social capital we have today,” he added.

“The Government will remain your steadfast partners as we work together to secure the future of Singaporeans and Singapore.”
