Alien Huang and Godfrey Gao Left Too Soon: Doctor Shares 6 Warning Signs of ‘Sudden Death’ in Young Adults, Lifestyle News


The sudden death of Taiwanese host Alien Huang at 36 surprised many not only because of his age, but also brought back memories of another young actor, Godfrey Gao, who died in his prime last year at the age of 35.

Alien’s body was found in his home by his father on the morning of September 16. From an autopsy performed, Alien died of cardiovascular complications due to an aortic dissection, resulting in a blockage of blood vessels. The actor-presenter would have turned 37 in November.

Similarly, Godfrey’s passing was also due to cardiovascular reasons. The actor was filming a sports-based reality TV show in China when he yelled “I can’t go on” before collapsing. His sudden death from cardiac arrest was said to have been triggered by strenuous activity in addition to lack of sleep due to his hectic work schedule.

Due to Alien’s young age, some media outlets have dubbed the case ‘a second Godfrey Gao’, pointing to possible hidden cardiovascular diseases that contributed to his death.

In Taiwan, the cases have also highlighted the causes of cardiovascular disease-related deaths in young and middle-aged adults. On an episode of the Taiwanese medical television show Hello Doctor, a cardiologist shared six possible warning signs that can lead to such “sudden deaths” in young adults:

  • Tightness in the chest, where there is the feeling of ‘as if a stone is placed in the chest’
  • Moderate to severe heart palpitations
  • Slow heartbeat Most athletes can have a lower than normal resting heart rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute. But if it falls below 50 or you feel like your heart rate is irregular, you should see a doctor.
  • Fainting before regaining consciousness
  • Unexplained fatigue
  • Momentary loss of vision and numbness of the limbs.

What is aortic dissection?

Alien’s cause of death, aortic dissection, occurs when blood flows through a tear in the main artery, causing the inner and middle layers of the aorta to separate (dissect).

Depending on the location of the aortic dissection, if the patient does not undergo surgery within the first 48 hours, the chance of death is 50 percent, with the chance increasing by one percent every hour.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the condition is “relatively uncommon” and generally occurs in men between the ages of 60 and 70.

Some signs of an aortic dissection include:

  • Sudden onset of pain in the chest or upper back, often described as a tearing or tearing sensation. The pain can radiate to the neck or back.
  • Sudden severe abdominal pain
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Sudden trouble speaking, loss of vision, weakness, or paralysis on one side of the body, similar to a stroke.
  • Weak pulse in one arm or thigh compared to the other
  • Leg pain or paralysis

Who would be more likely to have an aortic dissection? Studies show that those with high blood pressure or pre-existing heart conditions that involve the arteries are more likely to be affected. Men are also twice as likely to get the condition.

Additionally, high intensity weight lifting is a risk factor, due to increased blood pressure while engaging in activity or other strenuous resistance training.

Aortic dissection is often fatal, Mayo Clinic says, especially if the blood-filled canal goes through the outer wall. According to Taiwanese media, the coroner had privately told reporters that it would have been difficult to save Alien even if someone had been with him when it happened.

Veteran TV host Jacky Wu also echoed what was told to the media: “Alien didn’t suffer much before he left, probably (for) only three seconds. It was like turning off a computer.”

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