Trump urges his followers to harass Steve Jobs’ widow because she owns the Atlantic


As the fallout continues from The Atlantic’s explosive report that Donald Trump has repeatedly denigrated dead American military personnel, Trump has found a new target for his attempts to make the story disappear: the magazine’s owner, Laurene Powell Jobs. On Sunday, Trump asked supporters to fill him with phone calls and letters in retaliation for that story.

Jobs, the widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs, is the founder of the philanthropic foundation Emerson Collective, which acquired a majority stake in The Atlantic in 2017. While she has been influential in the magazine’s business affairs, she does not appear to control its business. editorial direction. She is also a major Democratic donor, and that led at least one prominent Trump supporter to suggest a conspiracy theory that her political leanings were responsible for the magazine’s reports. Which brings us to Trump.

Trump tweeted early Sunday morning. It is unclear if this represents a violation of Twitter’s policies against targeted harassment; Representatives did not immediately respond to a request for comment from TheWrap. “Data-reactid =” 21 “>” Steve Jobs wouldn’t be happy his wife is wasting money, he left her in a failed radical left magazine run by a scammer. Man (Goldberg) and spits out FAKE NEWS AND HATE. Call her, write to her, let her know how you feel !!! ” Trump tweeted early Sunday morning. It is unclear if this represents a violation of Twitter’s policies against targeted harassment; Representatives did not immediately respond to a request for comment from TheWrap.

The Atlantic reported Thursday that, among other things, Trump refused to attend a November 2018 commemoration of American soldiers killed during World War I because it was raining and he was concerned about his hair, and also because he did not believe the soldiers fallen should do it. be honest, dismissing the French cemetery as “full of losers.” The article also details other instances in which Trump openly denigrates disabled veterans and insults dead soldiers as “losers” and “fools,” and even details an incident in which he appeared to mock the son of former Chief of Staff John Kelly, who died in Afghanistan in 2010.

Trump has denied the allegations, although in at least one case they reflect things he has also said in public, but the Atlantic reports have been independently confirmed by other outlets, including the Associated Press, The Washington Post and Fox News. Trump has been widely condemned by veteran groups and prominent politicians.

See Trump’s attack on Laurene Powell Jobs below.

Steve Jobs would not be happy that his wife is wasting money. He left her in a failed Radical Left Magazine that is run by a scammer (Goldberg) and spews out FAKE NEWS AND HATE. Call her, write to her, let her know how you feel !!!

September 6, 2020“data-reactid =” 28 “> – Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 6, 2020

Read the original story Trump urges his followers to harass Steve Jobs’ widow because she owns The Atlantic on TheWrap
