Parliament: WP’s Sylvia Lim calls for an open review of race-based policies, political news and stories highlights


SINGAPORE – Workers’ Party (WP) Chairperson Sylvia Lim (Aljunied GRC) has called for an open review of various policies based on race, including the Chinese, Malay, Indian and Other (CMIO) ethnic classification model and integration Ethnic Housing Policy Board (EIP).

This policy establishes the proportion of apartments in a public housing block and a compound that may be owned by a particular racial group.

During the debate on the President’s speech in Parliament on Tuesday (September 1), Ms Lim suggested six areas that could be revised to propel Singapore on its “path to a race-blind society”.

“I am agnostic about the exact form of the review that I am requesting. We should include academics with relevant experience and also make sure that there is a fair representation of citizens in different age groups.”

“The scope of the review should involve a broad collective reflection of where society stands today on multiracialism, and what steps we can take toward this journey of being race blind.”

Ethnic classifications like CMIO

Ms. Lim noted that the CMIO model was first used in colonial Singapore in 1824.

He said the government has recognized the growing number of mixed marriages by allowing the children of those marriages to register under a double-barreled ethnic group.

But he said that while the government has defended the CMIO model as necessary to safeguard minority rights, the concept of minority rights itself is problematic, as it would be better to discuss citizenship rights.

He added, “Also, with more and more inter-ethnic marriages, where the bride and groom are of mixed parents, I wonder how CMIO ratings can stand the test of time.”

Race-Based Self-Help Groups

The four race-based self-help groups, namely the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC), the Singapore Indian Development Association (Sinda), the Malaysian / Muslim Community Development Council of Singapore (Yayasan Mendaki) and the Eurasian Association are informed by the CMIO model, Ms. Lim said.

“Over the years, these self-help groups have made significant contributions to uplifting the underprivileged, especially children.

“Despite the good work they have done, the truth is that they reinforce racial awareness.”

Additionally, he said that the different sizes of ethnic groups that contribute to these organizations can affect the amount of resources they have, and that the CDAC likely has the most resources. He noted that since then the CDAC has opened some of its programs to the wider community without regard for race.

She suggested merging the self-help groups into one national body to pool resources without regard to race.

“There is an opportunity here to come together as Singaporeans and contribute to a national group, helping the underprivileged without knowing the races,” he added.

“I am aware of an effort to collaborate in this direction at Yishun, called the Center for Self-Help Groups, and I hope that we can go much further.”

More public disclosure of race-based data

Lim said the government collects a great deal of data on race, but is selective in what it chooses to make public.

He acknowledged that there may be reasons for this selectivity, but data on race are needed, he said, to understand the issues affecting particular communities to narrow the differences.

Ms. Lim recalled a parliamentary question she had submitted, requesting the composition of the prison population broken down by ethnic group. This information is released by other governments “as a matter of course,” he said.

“The response was that the prison department was unable to share the statistics. No explanation was given,” he added.

“Society in general should have an interest in whether those serving sentences in prison are a microcosm of society or if certain ethnic groups are disproportionately in prison. The reason why people end up in prison is often related with the state of their lives, as if they have stable income and family relationships. “

Ms Lim said that these issues merit further study by researchers outside of government, and that there should be greater public awareness of the challenges faced by particular ethnic communities.

“We must strive to foster a national culture in which all Singaporeans are a stakeholder in the lives of their fellow citizens.”

The role of race in elections

Since 1988, Singapore’s GRC system has required political parties to present candidates from designated minority communities, and more recent changes have been made to the elected presidency to introduce an ethnic requirement, he noted.

But in an ideal situation, such safeguards would not be needed, as the electorate would be race-blind enough to choose candidates of different ethnicities naturally, he said.

“These issues have been debated in the past with arguments for and against ethnic requirements. However, that does not mean that these issues should remain as they are over time and forever.”

Ms. Lim noted that such requirements focus on minority representation, which can put an uncomfortable focus on minority candidates who must apply to show that they are “Malaysian enough” or “Indian enough” to qualify. for a choice.

She added that Chinese candidates like her are not required to prove that they are Chinese in order to stand for election.

“If it is necessary to maintain a multiracial Parliament through existing laws on minority candidates, or if there are other ways to ensure that candidates of diverse origins come forward, this may be an area of ​​review.”

HDB ethnic quotas

The HDB EIP was introduced in 1989 to ensure a balanced mix of ethnic groups on HDB properties and prevent the formation of ethnic enclaves, Lim said. There is no such requirement for private properties such as country houses or condos.

Ms Lim said that the EIP has caused economic hardship as residents of minority communities can buy or sell only to other members of their own community when quotas have been reached.

“This can significantly reduce the number of offers available. It can also affect the price of the transaction by up to $ 100,000, in one case I found myself. Such a price difference could make a difference for a family in financial need.”

He noted that some residents could also be left in “limbo” for months if they are prevented from buying or selling due to ethnic quotas.

He said HDB properties with families that moved in before the EIP was introduced, such as Bedok, have not experienced extraordinary stress or disorder despite some areas where the Malaysian population has exceeded EIP quotas. This suggests that some relaxation of the policy might be possible, he added.

The WP had suggested removing the EIP 14 years ago and the PAP later called the suggestion a “time bomb,” Ms. Lim said. Many Singaporeans also disagreed with the WP’s suggestion.

“Today, half a generation later, I hope we can have a more progressive discussion on this issue,” he added.

“While the government’s position is that the EIP was instituted with a noble purpose, its effect in particular cases has been discriminatory and must be addressed.”

Avoid reinforcing tribal instincts

Lim said Singaporeans have risen above tribalism on many occasions, but that the country can go further with the right policies and signals from officials.

He said the question of how not to reinforce tribal instincts in public policy and polls should be reviewed.

Ms. Lim noted that there were encouraging signs in the recent general election, in which several political parties sent GRC teams with a majority of non-Chinese candidates and got good polls.

He thanked the voters of Aljunied GRC for re-electing his team, which included three minority candidates out of five: Pritam Singh, Leon Perera and Faisal Manap.

“I think Singaporean voters are not obsessed with race, and there is reason to be optimistic for the future.”

Ms Lim added: “In choosing to speak on this issue, I am well aware that there are different perspectives on racial issues, as DPM Heng Swee Keat recognized in this House on Monday.

“However, I think it is essential that we move forward in this conversation to get ever closer to the ultimate destination of being a race-blind society.”
