No Hari Raya visits this year; pilgrimage to haj for Singaporeans to be deferred amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, Singapore Top stories and news


SINGAPORE – There should be no Hari Raya visits or meetings during the breaker period this year, and Singapore pilgrims will have to postpone the annual haj pilgrimage to Mecca until 2021, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) announced on Friday (May 15).

Muslims will celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri, which marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan on May 24.

On Hari Raya’s Eve, community members can recite the takbir, or community prayer calls, in their own homes along with family members, led by Mufti and various asatizah via YouTube Live on SalamSG TV and Facebook. Live on the pages. Muis and mosques.

Mufti Nazirudin Mohd Nasir will address the community on SalamSG TV to fulfill their religious duties during Hari Raya in the midst of Covid-19. He will be joined by former mufti Fatris Bakaram, and President Halimah Yacob will be a special guest.

And on Hari Raya morning, Muslims will celebrate in their homes with family members from the same household as all places of worship, including the 70 mosques in Singapore, remain closed. Muslims traditionally go to the mosque in the morning for takbir and Aidilfitri prayers, as well as to listen to Hari Raya’s sermon.

This year, they can join the takbir live through the Malaysian radio station Warna 94.2 FM, or online through the Facebook pages of local mosques. Following traditional Aidilfitri prayers at home, Dr. Nazirudin will lead a live Hari Raya sermon that will be broadcast on radio and various online channels such as SalamSG TV.

Singapore’s breaker measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus went into effect on April 7. They were to last until May 4, but then extended for a month until June 1. More than 26,000 people in Singapore have been infected with the coronavirus, so far.

In its press release on Friday, the religious council said: “Muslims must abide by national restrictions on meetings in public and private spaces, and therefore refrain from traditional Hari Raya visits and meetings between households. People Those who go out to buy festive items should do so individually and keep their trips as short as possible.

“Visits to loved ones in different homes, especially older family members, should be deferred until restrictions on visits are lifted, except when significant attention is required.”

Muis added: “Technology has given us the opportunity to creatively use teleconferencing tools and mobile messaging applications to fulfill our religious obligations and even make ‘virtual’ visits by Hari Raya to our loved ones, to keep our ties and traditions alive. .

“This will be a special Hari Raya season that requires all of us to remain vigilant, resilient and united. We must have a serious vision of the Covid-19 threat, exercise social responsibility and keep our loved ones and Singapore’s society safe in general. . “.


Meanwhile, the 900 Singapore pilgrims who had registered to perform their haj this year will automatically be rescheduled to perform the pilgrimage in 2021 for health and safety reasons.

The Fatwa Committee has met to discuss the matter and supports the decision to postpone, Muis said, adding that the committee of the best religious scholars opined that, in the current context, not all preconditions for safe haj are met. . .

“We have full confidence in the management of the pandemic by Saudi Arabia, and that appropriate measures will be taken if appropriate. However, Singapore has its own considerations to safeguard the health and well-being of Singapore pilgrims,” ​​Muis said.

“More than 80 percent of Singaporeans who are scheduled to perform haj this year are over the age of 50. The Ministry of Health reported that this category of individuals faces an increased risk of complications and mortality if they contract the Covid-19 virus,” he said. the advice.

“Furthermore, younger pilgrims who are working have expressed challenges in obtaining permission to perform haj and concerns about the safety of their work, given the difficult economic situation. This is compounded by the fact that Singapore travelers must serve a 14-day stay in your home will notify you upon your return to Singapore. “

The annual haj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, which will begin in late July, is one of the largest religious gatherings in the world. It is one of the five pillars of Islam, and Muslims are required to make a pilgrimage at least once in their lives, if they have the means to do so and the journey is safe for them.

Last year, around 2.5 million Muslims from around the world made the pilgrimage. The annual quota for Singapore pilgrims, established by the Saudi Ministry of Haj and Umrah, increased from 800 places in 2017 to 900 in 2018.

In March, the Saudi ministry issued a notice to haj agencies around the world to stop accepting new bookings or payments regarding the pilgrimage in 2020. Saudia Airlines also announced the suspension of all international flights until further notice.

As of today, Saudi Arabia has not made an official announcement on the status of the Haj pilgrimage for 2020, Muis said.

The council added that with Singapore’s healthcare resources fully committed to managing Covid-19 and other urgent hospital requirements, it cannot assemble a team of doctors and nurses to support this year’s haj delegation.

“The absence of such medical equipment will compromise the health and well-being of our pilgrims,” ​​he said. “While we want to help our Muslim community fulfill their pilgrimage, we also have a responsibility to protect pilgrims and their families, as well as the wider Singapore community, from the risk of infection.”
