Direct admission applications to the school will open on May 12, the selection process was modified due to COVID-19


SINGAPORE: Students applying to high schools and colleges (JC) through the Direct School Entry (DSA) exercise to enter 2021 will be able to do so starting Tuesday (May 12).

DSA exercises will continue despite the COVID-19 situation and will not be delayed “unnecessarily,” the Ministry of Education (MOE) said in a press release on Monday.

“As part of our continued emphasis on holistic education and expanding definitions of success, we want to preserve this path for this year’s elementary and middle school graduates, and not delay exercises unnecessarily.”

Education Minister Ong Ye Kung previously announced that this year’s DSA exercise will continue, with some adjustments in the way schools evaluate students in light of COVID-19’s social distancing measures. This includes conducting interviews through video conferencing tools.

READ: The direct school admission exercise will continue amid the COVID-19 pandemic with a modified assessment method: Ong Ye Kung

No physical rehearsals or personal interviews will be part of the DSA selection process, the education ministry said Monday.

Instead, all interviews and the selection of shortlisted DSA candidates will be conducted through electronic modes (electronic modes).

“This avoids mixing of students in all schools, in line with safe distancing measures.

“It would also provide all students with access to appropriate videoconferencing capabilities, locations, and equipment, with standardization of setup and equipment to ensure fairness in the selection process.”


During the selection assessment, MOE explained, DSA schools will use electronic modes that students are already familiar with, such as video conferencing and performance tasks.

“During electronic interviews, students can also be asked to complete simple tasks that can demonstrate their attributes and potential in a specific talent area, such as through simple pencil sketches or musical performances.

“We recognize that there may be limitations in evaluating students through electronic modes for certain talent areas, such as team sports,” said the Ministry of Education, noting that events such as the National School Games and Art Presentation from the Singapore Youth Festival cannot be used to evaluate students.

“DSA schools will need to rely more on student tracking records at the school and the information provided on their application.”

Schools will also look for other information about students, such as their co-curricular activity (CCA) records and past achievements.

In addressing whether this would put students with little or no prior training or formal certification at a disadvantage, the MOE said that DSA schools will also consider various qualities and attributes.

“Schools will continue to preselect students with exemplary potential and desirable personal qualities, regardless of whether they had prior training or formal certification.

“This ensures that students from disadvantaged backgrounds, who may not have the resources to acquire formal training, receive due consideration.”


The DSA allows students to gain direct access to high schools or JC based on their talents and accomplishments, beyond their performance on national exams.

However, students must still take the PSLE ​​or GCE O-Level exam. If a DSA offer is made, students must make the decision to accept the offer before the deadline, which will be before the publication of the national exam results.

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For students applying to a high school, they can do so through an online portal from May 12 to June 5.

Applicants must complete an online form to apply to multiple schools and talent areas, and can indicate up to three options. A parent’s SingPass login will be required for application through the online portal.

For those applying for JC, MOE encouraged applicants to check the DSA-JC website for important dates and deadlines or the respective JC websites.

There will also be financial aid for students who need it through schemes such as the MOE Financial Aid Plan (FAS), the Opportunity Fund, the Independent School Scholarship (ISB), the Edusave Scholarship for Independent Schools (ESIS) and the UPLIFT scholarship.

In total, there are 146 high schools and 20 JCs participating in the DSA this year.

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