Timeline: how the outbreak of COVID-19 in Singapore has evolved so far


SINGAPORE: More than 12 weeks have passed since Singapore reported its first COVID case on January 23, a 66-year-old Chinese citizen who arrived in Singapore three days earlier.

Since then, there have been more than 5,000 cases and 11 deaths in Singapore from the disease, which was first detected in Wuhan, China.

Here’s how the outbreak in Singapore has evolved so far:

December 31, 2019: A group of severe pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China is reported to the World Health Organization. Doctors don’t yet know its cause.


January 2, 2020: The Singapore Ministry of Health (MOH) says it knows about the cases in Wuhan and will examine all incoming Wuhan travelers from the night of January 3.

There are no cases in Singapore.

Changi Airport begins evaluating Wuhan travelers after pneumonia outbreak (1)

A temperature check is carried out at the Changi airport for travelers arriving from Wuhan on January 4, 2020. (Photo: Khaw Boon Wan / Facebook)

January 4: The first suspected case in Singapore is a three-year-old Chinese citizen with pneumonia and a history of travel to Wuhan.

The next day, he tests negative for SARS and MERS-CoV and diagnosed with respiratory syncytial virus, a common cause of childhood respiratory infection.

January 20 The Health Ministry announces that it will extend the temperature control to all travelers coming from China from January 22, in light of the Chinese New Year holiday and the expected influx of Chinese travelers.

There have been several suspicious cases in the days leading up to the announcement, but so far, they have all come back negative.

January 22 Anyone with pneumonia and a history of travel to China within 14 days will be isolated. Anyone with an acute respiratory infection who has been in a hospital in China for 14 days will also be isolated in a hospital in Singapore.

A multi-ministry working group is formed, chaired by Minister of Health Gan Kim Yong and Minister of National Development Lawrence Wong.


A 66-year-old Chinese citizen from Wuhan who arrived in Singapore two days earlier. He is protected at Singapore General Hospital and tests positive for the newly unidentified new coronavirus. Contact tracking begins.

Temperature control is implemented at all land and marine control points, it is announced.

Wuhan is blocked by the Chinese authorities as the number of cases increases to hundreds.

NCID Staff

Employees of the National Center for Infectious Diseases in Singapore put on protective gear before testing for the new coronavirus.

January 27th: Children and preschool employees in Singapore have to go on a 14-day leave if they have traveled to mainland China.

Singaporeans are advised not to make nonessential trips to Hubei province, which was blocked by the Chinese government.

The POFMA Office issues the first correction address regarding coronavirus.

January 28: There are now seven cases of coronavirus in Singapore, all Chinese citizens of Hubei.

The working group introduces new measures. From noon on January 29, Singapore will not be allowed to enter or transit all visitors with a recent history of travel to Hubei or with passports issued in Hubei.

January 30th Reports have emerged of stores raising the price of surgical masks. There are long lines at pharmacies and retail stores, and the Price Controller is called to discuss the problem.

“Speculation is very irresponsible and damaging in these uncertain times,” said the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

There are now 13 cases in Singapore, all imported.

READ: Coronavirus in Singapore: the first 7 days

January 31 More correction instructions are issued for social media posts about the new coronavirus. The first scams of people who take advantage of the situation to deceive others also arise.

92 Singaporean residents are evacuated from Wuhan.


February 1st: The government provides four masks per household, with the advice to use the masks only when you are not feeling well and visit a doctor.

There are 18 cases in Singapore and there is still no evidence of community spread, says the health ministry.


After two days without any new cases, Singapore reports six more new coronavirus cases, four of which involve person-to-person transmission.

The first group emerges: a Chinese medical ward serving mainly tourists from China. Four cases are linked to the room, including the relatives of the employees.

There are now 24 cases in Singapore. More precautionary measures are taken.

24 Cavan Road Store

View of Yong Thai Hang 24 Cavan Road. (Photo: Gaya Chandramohan)

February 7th: DORSCON ORANGE

The Condition Level of the Disease Outbreak Response System (DORSCON) rises from Yellow to Orange, with some emerging local cases with no links to previous cases or travel history to China.

Organizers are advised to cancel or defer large-scale non-essential events, and people who are unwell, licensed, or have a recent history of travel to China should not attend any events.

Workplaces must carry out temperature controls and schools will suspend interscholastic and outside activities until the end of the March school vacation.

There are now 33 cases in Singapore.

February 8th: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong addresses the nation, explaining that the new coronavirus is more infectious than SARS, but much less dangerous, adding that the situation is evolving.

“Every day brings new developments, and we have to respond quickly and dynamically.” He says Singapore is thinking about the future and “anticipates the next steps.”

READ: Prime Minister Lee Urges Singapore to Courage Amid Coronavirus Outbreak, See Stressful Weather Together

There are seven more cases, with a total of 40.

A new group is discovered at The Life Church and Missions Singapore, as is a group linked to a business meeting at the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

There are now three active groups. Two people made a full recovery and were discharged from the hospital, the first time since the first case on January 23.

February 9: Buying panic in supermarkets. Commerce and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing has assured people that there are enough stocks and asks them to stop buying in panic.

174 Singapore residents and their families are transferred home from Wuhan.

Four more people are discharged from the hospital. There are now 43 confirmed cases.

Empty shelves Sheng Siong mart Boon Keng 1

Naked shelves seen at a Sheng Siong store in Boon Keng on February 7, 2020. (Photo: CNA reader)

Feb. 10: The Ministry of Human Resources orders all dormitories to intensify cleaning and precautionary measures.

All massive activities should be suspended and the use of common dormitory facilities should be phased.

February 11th: The coronavirus is named by the World Health Organization as SARS-CoV-2, and the virus causes COVID-19 disease.


Two new groups emerge: at Grace Assembly of God Church and at the Seletar Aerospace Heights construction site.

There are now 50 cases of COVID-19.

Six more cases are discharged, bringing the total number of recovered patients to 15.

Grace Assembly Tanglin

Assembly of Grace of God in Tanglin. (Photo: Try Sutrisno Foo)

February 17th: A new notice of home stay is filed. Stricter than a leave of absence, a person with a notice to stay home cannot leave their residence for 14 days.

All Singapore residents and pass holders returning from China must complete a 14-day notice of home stay.

Two new cases are announced, with a total of 77 cases. Twenty-four people have been released from the hospital.

READ: COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions: When will a home stay notice be issued and what does it mean?

February 25: A great advance, since the contact search team finds a link between the Church of Life and the Missions and the groups of the Assembly of God of Grace.

It is also the first time that serological tests have been used to discover a patient with COVID-19, who recovered before being tested for the disease.

More measures are introduced for employees returning from affected areas.

Infographic COVID-19: How the groups of the Church of Life and the Assembly of God of Grace are linked

26 of February: Two Chinese citizens will be charged under the Infectious Diseases Law for giving false information to the Ministry of Health. A Singapore RP loses their permanent residence status and is prohibited from re-entering Singapore after violating their stay-at-home notice.

February 27: A 12-year-old Raffles Institution student tests positive for COVID-19. RI is and MOE Learning Center in Bishan closed for disinfection.

There are now 96 cases in Singapore.

February 29: There are more than 100 cases of COVID-19 in Singapore, including the announcement of another group at Wizlearn Technologies in Science Park.


March 3rd: There are more than 90,000 cases worldwide. Travelers from Iran, northern Italy, and Korea cannot transit or enter Singapore, and the outbreaks begin in those countries.

The home stay notice criteria are expanded.

March 5th: A new group is announced, linked to an event at SAFRA Jurong.

6th of March: There is an increase in cases, with the daily number of cases in Singapore reaching double figures.

Thirteen new cases are announced, bringing the total to 130 cases.

March 10th: Activities focused on older adults are suspended for 14 days as the SAFRA Jurong group, which includes several older people, begins to grow.

The Ministry of Health found that many of the cases were transmitted during social activities and meetings between older people. SAFRA Jurong’s group now has 39 cases.

Mar 12: Lee addresses the nation a second time, warning that COVID-19 will be here “for a long time” and that Singapore needs to plan a possible increase.

Mosques in Singapore are temporarily closed after 90 Singaporeans attended a massive religious event in Kuala Lumpur that has been linked to dozens of cases in other countries.

Tourists walking across the Cavenagh Bridge

Tourists walking across the Cavenagh Bridge (Photo: Jeremy Long)

March 13: Safe distancing measures are announced.

March, 15th: The number of local cases is accelerating. There are now 226 cases of COVID-19 in Singapore, and contact tracing reveals new groups. The number of imported cases increases slightly as Singapore residents return from abroad.

March 17: Students abroad are advised to return to Singapore as countries around the world are closed.

Two days later, flights from the UK are first offered to students, and then to Singaporeans living abroad who want to return home.

There are 23 new cases, with a total of 266 cases.

March 18th: A motion control order begins in Malaysia, leading some people to buy panic in Singaporein concerns that products from all over the Causeway will be cut. Chan assures people that the supply chain remains intact.

All current and new work pass holders must obtain MOM approval before returning to Singapore. Upon arrival they must submit to a notice to stay home.

The Ministry of Health announces 47 new cases, a record. Of the new cases, 33 are imported as more Singaporean people rush home.

Singapore Malaysia Causeway Mar 18, 2020 - 4

La Calzada early in the morning around 7.20 in the morning of March 18, 2020. (Photo: Try Sutrisno Foo)


There are 40 new cases, with 30 imported. Local transmission has decreased slightly, but with more Singaporeans rushing home, the number of imported cases remains in the 1930s.

COVID-19 is becoming a global challenge with infections across Europe and the US. USA Which increases at a rapid rate.

The task force introduces stricter safe distancing measures in Singapore, including suspension of all events with 250 or more people. New measures for food and beverage outlets are also included.

READ: 40 new cases of COVID-19 in Singapore, including 30 imported infections


A 75-year-old Singaporean woman and a 64-year-old Indonesian died from COVID-19. Both had underlying health conditions and were in the ICU.

89 work passes are canceled for breach of home stay notices and income requirements.

National Center for Infectious Diseases NCID (2)

File photo of the National Center for Infectious Diseases. (Photo: Rauf Khan)

March 22 All short-term pass holders are prohibited from entering or transiting Singapore.

March 24th: Safe distancing measures have been intensified. All entertainment venues are closed and restrictions apply at shopping malls, museums and attractions.

Food and beverage outlets must ensure sufficient separation from dining areas.

All religious gatherings must be canceled. Tuition centers are closing.

Those who return from the USA USA And the UK must submit to your notice of home stay at specific facilities.

The Ministry of Health announces 32 new imported cases and 17 new COVID-19 locations. Local cases begin to escalate.

Mar 27: Lee gives an extensive interview to journalists about COVID-19, touching on the Resilience Budget and how Singapore plans to tackle COVID-19.

There are 49 new cases, of which 22 are imported, 18 are linked to previous groups and nine cases are unlinked.

Right now, there are several new groups and 732 cases total.

READ: If we need to do more, we will: Prime Minister Lee says COVID-19’s economic challenge is very serious, but that the Government is doing everything possible

READ: “The Tide is Still Coming”: Prime Minister Lee Says COVID-19’s Impact on Healthcare is a “Big Problem”


A 70-year-old Singaporean man becomes the third person to die of complications from the disease in Singapore. He had a history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

Mar 30: Several new groups are announced, including one in bedroom S11 in Punggol.

Mar 31: Imported cases begin to decrease, but local transmission cases increase.

Singapore announces 47 new cases of COVID-19, of which only 16 are imported. Of the rest, 13 are linked and 18 are unlinked.

Lawrence Wong says: “Our focus should now be on our locally transmitted cases, especially on cases that are still popping up; of particular concern are the unrelated cases. “

People are encouraged to stay home as much as possible.

There are now 926 cases of COVID-19 in Singapore, and another group is discovered in a bedroom.


April 2: The fourth person dies of COVID-19, a 68-year-old Indonesian citizen who was the holder of a work pass in Singapore. He had a history of diabetes and hypertension and had spent seven days in the ICU.

Safe distancing measures are introduced in the markets.

April 3: The fifth person dies from COVID-19, an 86-year-old Singaporean woman from the Lee Ah Mooi Nursing Home, where a group has formed.

There are 65 new cases, of which nine are imported. Forty cases are linked to previous cases, while 16 are unrelated.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announces that a “circuit breaker” will run from April 7 to May 4. Only essential services can continue to keep their facilities open, and all schools will close and students will switch to learning at home.

The masks should be worn when people leave the house for essential needs, but Singaporean residents are urged to stay home as much as possible.

READ: PM Read about the COVID-19 situation: at a glance

April 4: Another person dies of COVID-19, an 88-year-old Singapore PR.

There are now multi-bedroom groups, including S11 @ Punggol, Westlite Toh Guan, and Toh Guan Dormitory. The next day, additional measures are announced to contain groups in dorms.

There are 75 new cases, of which six are imported. Local transmission numbers continue to rise, as do unrelated cases.

5th of April: 120 new cases are announced, the highest peak so far. Only four of these cases are imported as countries around the world block air travel. Fifty of the cases are linked to previous cases, but the unrelated cases increase, from 29 the day before to 66.

Bedroom S11

View of an entrance in bedroom S11 @ Punggol at 2 Seletar North Link. (Photo: Gaya Chandramohan)


Of the 106 new cases announced, only three are imported. More groups are found in Singapore dorms.

There are now 1,481 cases in the country.

April 8: 142 new cases are reported. Local cases continue to rise as imported cases drop again, this time to just two. A total of 72 cases are pending follow-up of contacts, as the number of unrelated cases continues to increase.

Warnings are given to people who ignore the “circuit breaker” rules.

April 9th: The highest peak to date, with 287 cases.

Of these, 217 are linked to known groups, and those linked to dorms continue to grow. There are only three imported cases.

More warnings and warnings are delivered.

READ: Day 2 of COVID-19 ‘Circuit Breaker’ Sees More Than 3,000 Violations of Safe Distance Measures

April 10th: A seventh person has died, an 86-year-old woman linked to the Lee Ah Mooi Group of Old Homes. She died on April 9 at night, after she was admitted to NCID on April 1.

Lee Ah Mooi Nursing Home

Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home, where there has been a cluster of COVID-19 cases. (Photo: Gaya Chandramohan)

April 11: An eighth person dies of COVID-19, a 90-year-old Singaporean man.

April 12th: Stronger penalties will be introduced for those who continue to breach the rules: there will be no further warnings and a S $ 300 fine for the first offense.

A total of 233 new cases are reported, with 167 pending contact follow-up: 141 are work permit holders living in dormitories, workplaces or homes.

There are no imported cases for the third consecutive day.

Apr 13: Singapore reports 386 infections, with the vast majority linked to dormitories. Eight dormitories of foreign workers are declared areas of isolation under the Infectious Diseases Act.

A 65-year-old Singapore citizen dies of complications from COVID-19 infection, the Ministry of Health announced. He is the ninth person in Singapore to die of the disease.

April 14th: A 70-year-old Singaporean man, linked to the Jurong SAFRA group, dies from COVID-19. He is the tenth fatality in the country.

Singapore reports 334 other cases.

Cochrane Lodge 2, Singapore

Foreign workers are seen in a bedroom at Cochrane Lodge 2 in Singapore on April 14, 2020. (Photo: AFP / Roslan Rahman)

April 15: Singapore reports 447 new cases, with 404 linked to foreign worker dormitories.

An 80-year-old Malaysian who tested positive for COVID-19 died posthumously on April 13 of causes unrelated to COVID-19, the ministry said.

April 16th: Record numbers continue to grow, with 728 new cases reported.

A total of 654 new cases come from dormitories of foreign workers, while 26 are holders of work permits residing outside the dormitories. There are no new imported cases.

April 17th: Singapore reports 623 new COVID-19 cases, taking the total number of cases beyond 5,000.

Of the new cases, 558 are linked to foreign workers’ dormitories, while 37 are work permit holders living outside the dormitories.

The MS reported 27 cases in the community. It is day 11 of the circuit breaker, and the average number of cases has dropped from an average of 40 cases per day in the previous week to an average of 32 cases per day in the last week.

There is a new imported case.

A 95-year-old Singaporean man died on April 17 of complications from COVID-19. He had tested positive for the infection four days earlier. The man is the eleventh fatality in Singapore.

CHECK THIS: Our comprehensive coverage of the coronavirus outbreak and its developments

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