Do you think you or someone you live with has a coronavirus? This is what you should know and do.



Every situation is different, but here are some best practices to follow if you suspect that someone you live with is sick with the coronavirus, or even you.

Angela Lang / CNET

For the most up-to-date news and information on the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO website.

How coronavirus case numbers continue to grow, and we learn more about the symptoms the virus can cause, you may be more concerned with what to do if you or someone you live with becomes infected with COVID-19 – or think they could be. If that happens, it is important to know what steps to take to avoid spreading the virus to others, as well as how to care for that person or how others should help you care for them.

This includes calling the doctor to see if you are eligible for the COVID-19 test, controlling your symptoms and isolating yourself from others until your symptoms have subsided for the proper amount of time.

Some of these common recommendations may not be practical if you have a roommate (or three), or if you live in a home with your family or someone important. You should be practicing social distancing The best you can in a roommate situation, but it’s not always possible. And if you are helping to care for others in your family, self-isolation can be very difficult.

We’ve put together suggestions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as first-hand advice from people we know who have recovered from coronavirus. Here are recommendations on how to adjust if you suspect that someone in your home has COVID-19, but he is not sick enough to be hospitalized. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and the orientation of public health agencies is changing over time.

This is what you need to know about find a coronavirus test site near youand the latest in antibody tests against coronavirus and nasal smear test.

Contact the doctor

At the first sign of what could be a coronavirus, contact your doctor immediately to list the symptoms and seek advice on whether to take the COVID-19 test. In many cases, the doctor will need to order the test for you (more on that below).

If the patient has underlying health conditions that put them at increased risk of death, the doctor will also be able to assess what medications they should and should not take and how they will need to adjust their lifestyle, including what type of vital signs to monitor as disease progresses.

Isolate the person who is sick

As soon as you or someone you live with suspects you have COVID-19 symptoms (or positive tests for coronavirus), should be isolated from others until negative, or until symptoms have disappeared (more details below).

They should use a mask or cloth cover if they are in the same room as you or your roommates and everyone needs to make sure that wash your hands well for 20 seconds after interacting. It is also important keep the house disinfected. A healthy person could reduce contact with a sick person by filling a jug of water and preparing food for the patient, leaving both of them at a safe distance for the member of their household to pick them up.

The CDC suggests isolating yourself in a room away from others. We understand that it is not always an option, for example, if you live in a studio apartment with another important person or share a small house with many others.

If there is no additional space to stay, be sure to keep a six foot distance at all times to practice social distancing. Unfortunately, that could mean someone is sleeping on the couch, on a mattress on the floor, etc.

Read more: Where to buy facial masks and fabric liners online


You can make a facial mask at home for the infected person to wear.

Angela Lang / CNET

What if you only have one bathroom?

The CDC recommends that the suspected coronavirus patient use a different bathroom if possible. However, if you only have one bathroom, the sick person should wear a mask when they leave their isolation room. After you leave the bathroom, be sure to sanitize the toilet, sink, shower, handles, and soap dispensers.

Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds and avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes. Also, avoid using the same hand towel as the potentially infected person. You may need to set up a cart for items that only the sick person uses, such as a soap dispenser, a towel, a tube of toothpaste, etc.

How to care for someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19

If there are multiple people living in your home, the CDC suggests that only one person should care for the sick person to limit the number of people who could come in contact with the virus. That includes bringing them food or medicine; controlling their temperature, vital signs and blood pressure; and wash your clothes and bedding.

However, it is a good idea for the caregiver to wear gloves and a face mask when coming into contact with anything the infected person has touched, before handwashing directly after

When you bring food, for example, you can place it inside the room they are staying in, but avoid contact with them and make sure to cover your nose and mouth, including theirs.

While isolated, your roommate may start to feel lonely, so be sure to comfort them by texting them, calling to speak from the next room, or even talking to them outside the door. Michigan Health suggests opening a window for air circulation.


You should check the temperature of the infected person daily to see if they have a fever.

Angela Lang / CNET

Control your symptoms

It is important to note that many hospitals do not want you to go to the emergency room or arrive for a COVID-19 test without a doctor’s order or an advanced state of symptoms, such as a high fever over 102 degrees. In many places, the number of tests is limited and hospitals must follow protocols to limit exposure of sick people to the rest of the hospital population.

CDC and hospitals like Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles suggest contacting your primary care provider about symptoms and next steps to take.

Symptoms that generally warrant a COVID-19 test include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest.
  • Confusion or lack of energy.
  • Bluish lips or face

Everyone needs to stay home

If the person you live with has contracted the coronavirus, you and other roommates may have already been exposed. The incubation period for someone with coronavirus is set by the World Health Organization to be between one and 14 days. This is the time between catching the virus and the onset of symptoms. This means that you must be quarantined for two weeks to avoid passing the virus on to others.

To avoid going out, have your food and groceries delivered at your door The CDC says that once everyone is symptom-free for at least 72 hours and has a negative coronavirus result, they can leave the house for necessities again.

Coronavirus symptoms They include coughing, shortness of breath, fever, chills, repeated tremors with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and loss of taste or smell.

Disinfect surfaces frequently.

Make sure you are cleaning and disinfection High traffic surfaces in your home every day. This includes door knobs, remote controls, bathroom surfaces, kitchen counters, appliances and your phone. Use products from the EPA-approved list of disinfectants to help eliminate coronavirus.

The American Red Cross says to avoid sharing household items such as glasses, utensils, towels, and bedding. If a sick person uses any of these items, they should be washed thoroughly.


Disinfect surfaces in your home daily.

James Martin / CNET

When is it okay to stop isolating yourself?

If the infected person does not have access to the tests, the CDC states that they can leave their home if they have not had a fever for at least 72 hours (without medication), symptoms such as cough have improved and it has been at least seven days since their symptoms appeared the first time.

To help you better prepare for a coronavirus case in your home, here is what you need to know about make a mask or cover at home, where can you buy a mask if you don’t have the right tools and How to disinfect your car and your home to help kill the coronavirus.

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The information in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical or health advice. Always consult a doctor or other qualified healthcare provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health goals.
