Reno appears at a crucial moment in Final Fantasy 7 Remake when Cloud falls out of favor after defeating the Airbuster.
Landing in the famous church and meeting Aerith a second time, you will soon be interrupted by a Turk, Reno, who is a particularly difficult boss fight to take down, especially since he may be exhausted after his fight with Airbuster.
In this guide, we’ll show you how to beat the mischievous Reno and what skills and tactics you can use to make the fight a little easier to handle.
How to weaken Reno in Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Reno doesn’t have specific weaknesses, but his buddies are weak to fire, which is the standard for every human enemy in the game. As such, you’re going to want to use Fire Materia to unlock fire spells, and perhaps combine your Fire Materia with an Elemental Materia in a paired slot so you can inflict additional weakness damage with each hit.
Reno himself won’t take any weak damage, but he’s better than nothing. It’s lightning resistant, so stay away from those attacks.
How to beat Reno in Final Fantasy 7 Remake
First off, eliminate your thugs as fast as possible by jumping towards the door and cutting before your arrival. Your fire damage should serve you well here. Once they have been treated, turn to Reno.
Reno is annoying, but once you choreograph his movements, you can easily take him down. Note that it will always launch before attacking, so keep your dodge until after it comes close to you, leaving a trail of lightning in your path. If you dodge his career, you will be hit with a nasty combo that is difficult to escape.
Beating Reno is easy enough once you realize that he is woefully weak in the face of Cloud’s block. Given the scale of the Buster Sword compared to Reno’s sticks, he cannot face metal and will easily wobble if he blocks some of his attacks. After your run ends and you start attacking, block the damage and it will quickly wobble. Follow this up with some charged magic attacks (lock it first so he’s in recovery) and you’ll stagger Reno in no time.
When you see him use EM Mine Toss in its second phase, you must respond with a Triple Slash that will attack multiple targets at once. This should reduce the work of the projectiles before they become a problem, and means that Reno will not be able to use EM Flail, where he throws the lightning balls at Cloud. If you can’t destroy them, you’ll have to duck and interweave between the lightning bolts to overcome it, which is a lot to ask yourself when the boss is already fast. Also, be sure to avoid the flowerbed, or Aerith will yell at Cloud for his thoughtless trampling.