1.1 Million RedMart Users’ Personal Information Stolen in Lazada, Tech News & Top Stories Data Breach


SINGAPORE – The personal information of 1.1 million RedMart users was stolen from a customer database and made available for sale in an online forum, including names, phone numbers and partial credit card numbers.

A spokesperson for e-commerce giant Lazada, owner of the electronic grocery store Redmart, confirmed the data breach on Friday (October 30) when contacted.

Also in a notification email sent to affected customers on Friday night (October 30), Lazada said that he discovered the security breach the day before (October 29) as part of his routine monitoring.

In the email, the e-commerce giant said the stolen information came from a proprietary Redmart database that had not been updated for more than 18 months this past March. You have taken steps to block unauthorized access to the database.

“For the avoidance of doubt, Lazada’s current customer data is not affected by this incident,” according to the email.

As a security measure, the company has disconnected all customers from their existing accounts. When customers log in, they will be prompted to create a new password. Customers are also advised to change their passwords frequently.

Lazada also warned customers to be on the lookout for phishing emails, where scammers request confidential information while pretending to be from Lazada.

“Lazada does not ask customers to verify their personal information,” he said in the email notification.

Lazada is investigating the data breach and has informed the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) of the breach.

A PDPC spokesman said the commission was aware of the incident and is currently investigating.

The Straits Times has reached out to Lazada for comment.
