Simple trick that can make you happier, according to research

Fake it until you feel it? This is what researchers from the University of South Australia say can help when your feelings subside.

According to a recent study published in the journal Experimental Psychology, researchers found smiling – even a false smile – can have a positive effect on mood. In essence, triggering certain facial muscles by smiling can “trick” your brain into thinking you are happy.

“When your muscles say you are happy, you are more likely to see the world around you in a positive way,” said Fernando Marolejo-Ramos, author of study and expert on human and artificial cognition at the University of South Australia , in a press release.

To conduct the study, researchers asked 120 participants (55 males and 65 females) to smile by holding a pin between their teeth, which forced their facial muscles to replicate the movement of a smile.

They found that facial muscle activity not only altered facial expression but also generated positive emotions.

Marmolejo-Ramos said the muscle movements of a smile stimulate the amygdala – the part of your brain through which you can feel emotions – by releasing neurotransmitters “to stimulate an emotionally positive state.”

“For mental health, this has interesting implications. If we can trick the brain into perceiving stimuli as ‘happy’, then we can potentially use this mechanism to stimulate mental health,” said Marmolejo-Ramos.

Research by New York-based neurologist Dr. Isha Gupta also found that the naked act of smiling can increase the levels of hormones such as dopamine and serotonin in the body.

“Dopamine increases our feelings of happiness. Serotonin release is associated with reduced stress. Low levels of serotonin are associated with depression and aggression,” Gupta told NBC News earlier.

What’s more, another 2009 study by researchers at Cardiff University in Wales found that a small group (about 25 people) of botox users were on average happier because of their inability to freeze compared to those who frowned cows. While other studies smile link to lower blood pressure and longevity.

In a neutral, said Marmolejo-Ramos, there is a strong bond between action and perception.

“A ‘fake it’ until you make it ‘approach could have more credit than we expected,” he said.

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