Side effects of drinking alcohol before and after taking the covid vaccine

We all know that it is very important to keep our immune system strong during the COVID-19 epidemic. And now that the vaccine is, slowly but surely, rolling, it will still be a priority, especially in terms of monitoring and potentially reducing your alcohol intake if you drink too much.

Research has shown that binary drink – defined by the CDC as 4+ drinks for women and 5+ drinks for men during an event – can negatively affect your immune system. For example, a 2015 study published in the journal Alcohol It has been found that a single cycle of binge drinking increases inflammation in just a few hours and inhibits your body’s ability to control the immune system and fight infection effectively for days to come. Experts say that alcohol puts more stress on the body, making it difficult to recover from the weather. (Speaking of which, the biggest sign here is that you drink a lot of alcohol, according to doctors.)

Perhaps this is why scientists around the world are wary of drinking before and after taking the Covid-19 vaccine – a crucial time when your body reacts to doses and builds up its defense against the virus.

Last month, Russia’s health officials instructed citizens not to drink for two weeks before and for six weeks after the country’s Sputnik V vaccine was administered. Reuters Reports. However, the real developer of the vaccine, Alexander Ginsberg, later Tweeted To clarify that they believe the recommendation is too extreme, and recipients should not drink three days before and three days after the vaccine (regardless of the type of vaccine). “A glass of champagne won’t hurt anyone, not even your immune system.” Tweeted From the Sputnik V account on 9 December.

Meanwhile, in the UK, a health expert recommended that people limit their alcohol consumption to one day before and one day before vaccination. Business interior Reports.

However, here the U.S. Experts in are singing a different tune. Said William Moss, executive director of Johns Hopkins University’s International Vaccine Center Access Center Business interior, “There is no evidence that, if you have a beer or a glass of wine a few days after your vaccination, it will interfere with your immune response or safety after the vaccine. When that issue is called extreme, I think it Really detrimental to public health. “

In other words, as long as you drink in moderation and consume less than what is considered heavy or binary, you don’t have to worry too much about your consumption before and after taking the COVID-19 vaccine.

However, if you drink too much (more than one drink per day for women and more than two for men), you should consider cutting back now, regardless of whether you are getting the vaccine or not. When you consider all these adverse effects of a lot of booze and on a regular basis, you will see why changing your behavior can lead to your health and well-being right now and down the road.

For more, don’t forget to read about what happens to your body when you quit alcohol.