Should you be concerned about Instacart data leakage?

Illustration of an article titled Should You Be Concerned About Instacart Data Leakage?

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If you are an Instacart buyer, hackers may be selling your data online. According to a recent Buzzfeed report, 278,531 Instacart accounts are for sale in at least two hacker communities for just $ 2 per pop. Each account includes full names, the last four digits of credit card numbers and sort stories. Listings appeared in April and have been continuously updated with new accounts, as recently as yesterday.

Instacart denies that its database has been compromised, noting that if a breach occurs, it will immediately inform its users and automatically force them to change their passwords to prevent unwanted access. However, Buzzfeed spoke to multiple individuals with leaked accounts. These users confirmed that the information offered of these dark web marketers was correct but he said Instacart never contacted them, nor did it automatically reset your passwords

That means Instacart is lying about the breach, in the first place, never saw it. or that almost 300,000 Instacart users have been affected by various external phishing scams. All three scenarios finally arrive at the same end resulthowever: Instacart account data is being stolen and sold online, and users need to make sure their accounts are secure. That includes:

  • Updating your passwords, starting with the affected account and then repeating for any account linked to it and / or accounts that use the same password. (Rremember forever make all your new passwords unique.)
  • Activate two-factor authentication and any other login security options.
  • Use an encrypted password manager to easily and securely store your login information.
  • Verification of other affected accounts and email addresses with I’ve been pwnedand update those too.
  • Observe suspicious financial activities and unauthorized account logins.
  • Be sure to contact your bank immediately if you see unrecognized transactions.

While Instacart users you probably don’t have to take more drastic measures than theseWould continue stay tuned for suspicious charges in the coming months. You don’t have to look for them every day but it’s a good idea Give your associated credit card accounts a quick check every month when you pay your bill.

As always, be sure to do your best to avoid installing incomplete applications and browser extensions by visiting websites that are not what you think they are. or reply to false emails with your real information. Phishing attacks can be sophisticatedBut you can beat most of them with a little common sense.
