SHIELD Final Agents provide Avengers Endgame connectivity

Agents of SHIELD season 7, episode 12 ‘The End Is At Hand’ and episode 13 ‘What We Fight For’ spoilers follow.

After a false end back in season five, Agents of SHIELD has officially come to an end after seven seasons.

The time travel last season saw the SHIELD team fight to stop SHIELD being wiped off history by the Chronicoms and Nathaniel Malick, watching them travel through all of history and setting their own timeline in the process.

However, the two-part finale revealed that the show had one last MCU crossover up its sleeve when it delivered a Avengers: Endgame connection.

Major spoilers follow, so check back now if you have not seen the final yet.

agents of shield season 7 episode 12 chloe bennet

ABCMarvel Studios

Arriving from the devastating cliffhanger of the last episode that saw the Chronicoms destroy SHIELD bases everywhere, the first part of the finale saw the SHIELD team split in two into space and back to Earth.

Up in space, Daisy, Sousa and Mack had to enter the Chronicoms’ spaceship to rescue Simmons and Deke. Chronicom forecaster Sybil left her because there was more chance that Simmons – whose implantation was gradually destroyed – would reveal where Fitz was.

What Sybil could not predict is that Daisy’s sister Kora would not stop reaching Daisy the Zephyr and, by using some dead Chronicoms as bombs, Mack manages to bring the Zephyr out and back to Earth.

Back at the Lighthouse, Coulson, May and Yo-Yo sat for the threat of John Garrett, who had teleported bombs and planted bombs to destroy SHIELD’s last stand.

Coulson in Agents of Shield season 7 finale


They manage to catch him, but Garrett fails to get Nathaniel Malick to stop the bombs from exploding. Luckily, Yo-Yo saves the base by transporting them all to one place and by Malick’s betrayal, Garrett transports them to SHIELD’s secret bar.

It is here that a mysterious signal arrives and as soon as they arrive, Garrett is shot dead by one of the remaining SHIELD agents who had gathered there, including a younger version of Victoria Hand.

They were all instructed to bring a suitcase, to be handed over to them, in the course of time handed down by Enoch. Once the rest of the team arrives, Simmons realizes that all the items in the suitcases are coming together to form one larger piece of equipment.

As she inserts her wedding ring into it, a portal opens into the bar and Fitz joins in, sporting a Ant-Man-que helmet – and it’s where the Avengers: Endgame connection traps in.

fitz in agents of shield season 7


At the beginning of the second episode, Fitz declares that he has been back in the original SHIELD original timeline for the entire season, and what’s more, the entire team can return to “save” it.

If you need refreshments before SHIELD goes back in time, the Chronicoms attempted to transform Earth into their new home and began destroying SHIELD bases, starting with the Lighthouse.

Fitz reveals that the “only way” to preserve that original timeline is for the rest of the team “to survive through it”.

It’s a bit like when Doctor Strange told Iron Man that there was only one way to stop Thanos. And as in Finals, the Quantum Realm would be used, simply not to travel back in time, but to travel in between timeline.

“You went back in time and then you disappeared. But we can travel through something called the Quantum Realm. That we can go between timelines,” Fitz notes.

doctor strange one way in avengers endgame

Marvel Studios

The problem is for the plan to work, they need Kora, who is imprisoned on the Chronicom ship. Deke comes up with a solution to expand the portal so that the Zephyr can take all Chronicom ships with them back to the OG timeline.

He needs to stay behind in that alternative timeline to make the plan, but it’s okay for Deke because he’s becoming the new head of SHIELD and in that timeline he’s a bonafide rockstar.

The timeline jump works, but before they can start saving Chronicom’s threat timeline, Fitz must help Simmons remember what they did after Enoch rescued them at the Lighthouse in the season six finale.

As fans expected, it turns out that FitzSimmons was away from the team for years, but because they had a monolithic piece of time, it meant they could jump right back to where they left off.

During this time Fitz studied the time stream (stolen by Enoch from the Chronicoms) and once they had the “one plan”, Fitz had to stay back in the original timeline to make “the link” between the two timelines.

Simmons then went to the temple to help the team before going back in time. It turns out that the people in the blue Hazmat suits we saw in season six finals, Fitz, Simmons, Yo-Yo and Sousa, were just the future versions from this season.

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Having helped themselves out of the past, the rest of SHIELD set the goal to stop Sybil, Malick and the Chronicoms for good.

Daisy takes Malick up in a superpower battle, while Coulson, Mack and May Kora save for the final part of their plan.

Kora uses her power of energy manipulation to increase the signal of headship, reach all Chronicoms on earth, erase their data. May gives them all “empathy” and the Chronicoms stop attacking the Lighthouse.

And it turns out that Daisy only stopped Malick and it’s a sacrifice game. She sets off an explosion on the ship when SHIELD escapes, killing everyone on board. She is rescued in space and Kora brings her back to life.


After all that has happened, Simmons remembers “what we’re fighting for” and, confirming the theories, it turns out that FitzSimmons had a daughter named Ayla who was guarded by Piper and Flint back in the original timeline .

agents of shield season 7 episode 12

ABCMarvel Studios

They reunite as a family before we take a leap of one year into the future.

(Technically, this would be two years in the post-Snap world of Infinity War, but there is no indication of the effects of the Snap, that it is unclear if Agents of SHIELDThe ‘main’ timeline is actually separate from the main line of the MCU.)

As Enoch had predicted, it turned out to be their last mission as a SHIELD team, but not because one of them died.

During a reunion at the SHIELD bar, it is revealed that FitzSimmons are retired (no surprise, seeing what they have gone through), but everyone else is still involved with SHIELD in some way, even if they are in new teams.

Daisy is now working with Sousa and Kora (and Daisy and Sousa are still together as a couple), Yo-Yo is in a team with Flint and Piper, Mack is still a leader at SHIELD, while May is a teacher at the new – christened Coulson Academy.

Coulson, meanwhile, seems to be just enjoying life and the definitive shot of the entire series, fittingly, is flying him away in a juicy version of Lola, thanks to Mack.

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Agents of SHIELD broadcast on ABC in the US. A UK release date for season seven has not yet been confirmed.

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