Sharks found living in active volcanoes, scientists wondered why

Several species of sharks continue to baffle scientists because of their presence in what must be one of the most dangerous environments on the planet: active volcanoes. The ability of sharks to not only inhabit volcanoes, but to thrive and actively seek out them, is a mystery that has confused many scientists, but it is what one researcher, Florida International University marine ecologist prof. Michael Heithaus, is determined to answer, reports the Daily Express.The discovery of sharks inhabiting a volcano first happened in 2015 during a National Geographic documentary, where they – in addition to closest relatives, stingrays – were seen the living Kavachi volcano in the Solomon Islands.
‘I thought it sounded like a sci-fi movie. It’s a great find, “Heithaus said, according to the Daily Express. It just demonstrates how adaptable sharks are. “Extreme environments are something they can clearly handle; whether it is a volcano or surviving thousands of feet under water.” It is really not yet known why they are there. It may have something to do with reproduction, or who knows what else lives in there … maybe they just sniff out a meal. Now informally known as “Sharkcano,” Kavachi is one of the most active marine volcanoes on the planet, making shark study very difficult to study. However, the conditions there are very extreme to begin with. The sharks live in being in an active crater, 18 meters below the surface of the ocean.Temperatures in the waters at this depth are incredibly dangerous, approaching boiling point.However, Hyithaus hypothesizes that the key may be the ampoule of Lorenzini, a cluster of pores found on their snouts, which he thinks sharks have a sixth sense of species that can detect changes in the planet’s magnetic field. other volcanoes, the Daily Express reported.This theory is far from unusual. “You might think it’s dangerous, but studies have shown us that they can detect oncoming hurricanes and cyclones, so they may be able to detect if there are any. what is bad is about to happen and get out of the way, ”Heithaus explained. But why are sharks so attracted to volcanoes? Kavachi is, after all, far from the only example. Another such example is found in Piton de la Fournaise, an active volcano – in fact, one of the most active in the world – on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean. The volcano is on land, but that has not stopped the sharks from being so violent that swimming in the ocean has been made illegal in recent years, the Daily Express reported. Although it is ashore, sediment was still washing in the ocean from the slope of the volcano, causing the water to appear cloudy. It is these waters that Heithaus believes attract the shark to the island because they create an idea on hunting grounds. There are other theories going forward about why sharks swim volcanoes. “It really is not yet known why they are there. It may have something to do with reproduction, or who knows what else lives in there … maybe they are just sniffing out a meal,” Heithaus explained. However, there is another, simpler possibility: these habitats are simply safer for them. This is due to the fact that such extreme conditions serve as protection against the greatest danger to sharks: overfishing. “The biggest threat to sharks is far overfishing,” Heithaus explained, according to the Daily Express. “There are just too many caught and that is driven by the demand for fins and shark meat. “You will not be fishing around a volcano and probably some of the larger sharks, which are predators, will be less inclined to go in there.” We may not know exactly why they are there, but the fact that we saw so many in a fairly short time window suggests that it is an important place for those sharks. “If it were not a great place to live, they probably would not be there … who does not love a hot tub?” This theory has further preference in Israel, where sharks gather in large numbers as opposed to almost everywhere else in the Mediterranean. For several years, sharks have been seen congregating in large numbers off the coast of Hadera, specifically near the warm waters found near the Rabin Lights power plant. Like Heithaus, researchers at the University of Haifa’s Morris Kahn Marine Research Station theoretically made sharks somehow feel the heat and go there, but this was just a theory. where the sharks grow. In addition, sharks have also been seen gathering near some of Israel’s other beaches, with dozens of sandbar sharks gathering near Ashdod in May. Combined with the groups seen in Hadera, the mass gatherings off the coast of Ashdod give further faith to Israel to a “desert oasis” of species for sharks. The reason for this? According to Dr. Avad Sheinin, head of apex predator research at the Morris Kahn Marine Research Station, is because Israel is safer for them. As Sheinin explained, it is illegal to fish for sharks and stingrays in Israel, where they are registered as protected natural possessions. “It is important to remember not to harm the [sharks and stingrays] or their environment, “Sheinin explained. Sharks are the predators of the marine ecosystem and understanding their patterns and behaviors is essential to understanding our entire system. “He added that” it seems that in most Mediterranean areas the sharks are endangered, while here, our beaches are exceptionally welcome for them. “Because sandbar sharks are so rare, endangered in the Mediterranean Sea, efforts to tag and track them have begun. However, the Morris Khan Marine Research Station was forced to close the investigation earlier in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. hope that if research can be done again, many questions can be answered about one of the most famous apex predators of the ocean.Celia Jean contributed to this report.