Sharks found life in an active VOLCANO baffle scientist: ‘Like a sci-fi movie’ | Science | News

Various species of shark, ranging from reef sharks, hammerheads and scalloped hammerheads have made an expected appearance in one of the most active submarine volcanoes in the world. Exactly why sharks inhabit this area remains one of the world’s enduring marine mysteries.

Marine ecologist Michael Heithaus of Florida International University has dedicated his life to answering why apex predators are attracted to volcanoes.

This could potentially allow sharks to swim to safety before a volcanic eruption.

This mysterious sixth sense may also be able to hunt sharks and search for other volcanic islands.

He said: ‘It looked like the sharks in the volcano were used to dealing with eruptions.

“You would think it’s dangerous, but studies have shown us that they can detect oncoming hurricanes and bicycles so they can detect when something bad is about to happen and get out of the way.”

Professor Heithaus also thinks that there is an important correlation between sharks and volcanoes.

His studies took him to Reunion Island, also home to the active volcano Piton de la Fournaise.

Sharks are so abundant there, swimming has been made illegal in recent years.

Eleven people have died in attacks since 2011, mostly from bull sharks.

Professor Heithaus is of the opinion that these sharks took advantage of the fact that sediment washes away from the slope of the volcano.

The cloudy waters make an ideal hunting ground for the apex predators.

Sharks, however, have an overall positive impact on the environment.

A recent study found that sharks are functionally extinct on nearly one in five coral reefs.

Professor Heithaus said that extreme habitats ironically provide a safe haven for them.

He said: ‘The biggest threat to sharks is by far fishing.

“There are just too many catches and that is driven by the demand for fins and shark meat.

“You will not fish around a volcano and probably some of the larger sharks, which are predators, will be less inclined to go inside.

“We may not know exactly why they are there, but the fact that we saw so many in a fairly short time window suggests that it is an important place for those sharks.

“If it was not a great place to live, they probably would not be there … who does not love a hot tub?”