The government has made a decision: all exercises and military activities with all VIDEO partners are frozen


In today’s session, the Government of Serbia made a decision freezing all military exercises and activities with all partners, it was confirmed for

Source: Tanjug

“The Republic of Serbia is under terrible and undeserved pressure from the EU. Pressures that make no sense and are not based on our decisions and our actions, or even on reality. The result is hysteria that determines political decisions and decisions. addresses of the big powerful countries, “said Minister Aleksandar. Vulin adds:

“We are being asked to abandon the planned military exercises with Belarus at the cost of leaving our European future and at the cost of even greater pressure on our politics and our people in Kosovo and Metohija.”

As it further states, by decision of the Serbian Assembly, we are a militarily neutral country and in order to preserve that position and avoid, or at least reduce the consequences of the intensification of attacks against our country, our politics and our economy, the Government decided in today’s session: cease all military exercises and all activities with all partners.

“In the next period, we will not participate in any military exercises or activities with NATO, CSTO, Russia, the United States, China, the EU, the East or the West,” Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said.

He said that our participation in peacekeeping operations will be especially considered and, if necessary, suspended.

“The process of equipping and strengthening our military will not stop, and we will work to increase our combat readiness more and more persistently than ever. This is the only way to preserve military neutrality and this painful decision forces us to trust only in ourselves and ours. ” strength, “emphasized Minister Vulin, concluding the statement with the message:” Long live the Serbian army, long live Serbia. “
