It was just said in the Assembly of Serbia: Serbia is an unfinished state, with Stalinist methods


Belgrade – The head of the United Valley-SDA Sanzak parliamentary group, Shaip Kamberi, declared today in the National Assembly that Serbia is an “unfinished” state.

As he himself says, the issue of its future is not yet resolved, and due to “territorial aspirations that are still strong”, Serbia is not able to carry out internal integration.

Kamberi used the day to ask parliamentary questions and International Human Rights Day to say that the “extreme nationalism” that dominated during the 1990s essentially changed only form.

The head of the SPS parliamentary group, Djordje Milicevic, reacted by asking if a Serb could be in some territory or in any parliament, as Shaip Kamberi says in the Serbian Parliament.

Of course, no. And is that respect for national minorities? Said Milićević.

Kamberi also said that respect for human rights has never been a state priority and that after the dissolution of Yugoslavia, Serbia created a nationally homogeneous state, which “excludes compromise with minorities.”

He added that the government is creating a “parallel reality”, insulting the opponents with “Stalinist methods.” and that discrimination is commonplace in Serbia.

He also says that state institutions have become a “bastion of progressives.” and that the government has done nothing this year to improve human and minority rights.

“Thirty years since the fall of the one-party system, Serbia is far from building a modern, civil and democratic republic,” Kamberi said, asking the government what steps it would take to remove obstacles to Serbia’s accession to the EU.

Milicevic, who responded to Kamberi, also asked about new statements by Albanian lobbyists and the new US administration promoting the independence of the so-called Kosovo.

Milicevic points out that it is the same rhetoric from the same lobbyists who are prejudiced and hateful.

?? The call. Kosovo and a strengthened Serbia are not the same. “Serbia is geopolitically much more important to the United States, and that is what concerns the protagonists of Kosovo’s independence,” Milicevic said.
