Sending signals: Why did Trump say Biden ‘won’ the election before backtracking?

A few hours before air time when I saw the President’s tweet with the verb eye-ping ping.

Biden “won,” Donald Trump said.

To be sure, the president said “they won the election because they won.” And there was a swipe at “fake and silent media”.

But Trump is an online master messenger. He did not lose the election even after several weeks of insistence that the media and some Republicans say he has lost, knowing the importance of putting the word “won” next to his opponent’s name. I immediately decided to tweet it, and the digital explosion that turned it on was the “media buzz.”

Every major news organization posted a story on Sunday morning. Media liberals attacked Twitter that Trump brutally admitted. He didn’t, of course – there was a guilty part of the election – but I believe it was a signal. The president will never admit, but he was indicating that he is not in touch with reality, he knows there is a transition of power going on that he may not be able to stop.

Perhaps Trump estimated how many dogs would hear the whistle. It wasn’t long before he posted another semi-correct tweet about Biden: “He just won the attention of the fake news media. I accept nothing! We still have a long way to go. This was an intense election! ”

Click here for the latest election results by Fox News

When I asked senior campaign adviser Jason Miller about the first tweet, he said the presidents were “talking to the media mindset as if they were acting as if Biden had already won,” while states did not certify votes.

I just point out that the media was behaving in a way that Trump won the election in 2016 long before Trump declared him the winner before the required state certificate, and his team had no problem with that. Naturally it is not official. By yesterday morning the President had returned “I won the election!”

I mean, Trump is sticking to the stealth-election story for the base base for his presidency, whether he’s as the Republican Kingmaker, the head of the network competing with Fox News, or just as an all-encompassing cultural force.

Trump supporter Andy McCarthy, who has always defended it in national reviews, is warming up to say there is a “fatal problem” in the president’s legal efforts: on every battlefield it is said that “unjustified accusations are made and there is not always a difference between the two Can produce …

“I don’t enjoy it – I wanted Trump to beat Biden. Legally, however, I don’t see how the Trump campaign will change the outcome in one state, less in three states. ”

Condemning former officials such as John Kelly and John Bolton for blocking the transition, there have been other signs of a breakdown of realpolitics. White House National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien said yesterday: “Look, if Biden-Harris decides to be the ticket winner, and, you know, things look the way they do now, we will have a very professional transition from national security. Conference. “

The most urgent problem is the surging coronavirus, while the United States has been hospitalized with over a million news and record-breaking numbers in six days. And yet, the Biden team does not have access to Anthony Fauci and federal health agencies, including former Ebola cesarean Ron Klein, the incoming chief of staff, as they have to find ways to deliver at least two promising health vaccines created by Pfizer. And Modern.

It has already sparked fierce media criticism of Trump’s insistence on running for office.

“The election was called for Biden,” says the Washington Post. Trump has spent the past two weekends golfing at his private course in Virginia. And it has given up trying to manage the deadly coronavirus epidemic, which has killed more than 245,000 Americans and made millions sick on its watch. Despite on the verge of losing more than a quarter-million Americans before leaving the White House, the president has not attended a coronavirus task force meeting in several months. ”

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A New York Times news story has this lead: “President Trump’s refusal to accept the election has entered a more dangerous phase as he shows resistance and unrest among his supporters and spreads lies about the integrity of the American voting system.”

Speaking of the aforementioned president, yesterday he was back on Twitter and announcing that “Radical Left Democrats” are working with “fake news media” to “steal this election”. But he didn’t have time for a posting on Covid-19:

“European countries are unfortunately surrounded by the China virus. Fake News doesn’t like to report this! ”

America in particular, the world is becoming Trump, that’s why Trump and Biden will understand working together teams, because the current president really believes that “won.”