Selling Sunset – How Justin Responded to Image of Chrishell’s Divorce

Selling Sunset season 3 has officially arrived on Netflix, and we can safely say that it is not a drama.

One huge topic covered by the season is the divorce of Justin Hartley’s Chrishell Stause, whose fans saw a teaser of it at the end of season 2. This series picks up on where it left off, after Chrishell after dealing with the divorce, but her ex Justin Hartley is apparently not happy with the way the split was portrayed.

One episode of the new season shows Chrishell trusting Mary Fitzgerald, revealing that she was “blindsided” by Justin, claiming he told her he had filed for divorce over text. She added, “45 minutes later the world knew.”

However, it is said that Justin Hartley is “irritated” by watching the show, and says there is more to the story.

A source told Us weekly, “Justin has not watched the episodes, but has been warned of what is being said.

“He’s irritated that she’s disclosing her private information and knows there’s more to the story than is being told. His close friends and family know what really happened, as did Chrishell, so ultimately it’s her choice for what’s there. has been postponed. “

The source went on, “The claims made in the show that something changed in Justin after his This is us celebrities are completely false. Chrishell knows that this is not what happened, so for her to make people believe that is overwhelming for him.

seemingly selling sun-answer to justin hartley

Dan MacMedanGetty Images

She added, “Justin is in a good place. [He] just wants to keep going. “

Justin filed for termination in late November, calling “incompatible differences”. Documents mentioned July 8, 2019, as the date of their divorce, but the couple had attended events together (including the Emmy Awards) publicly until November – around the time the third series of Selling Sunset was filming.

We still have to hear from Justin himself in response to the season, but we hope both he and Chrishell do OK.

We have reached out to Justin’s representatives for comment.

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